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I felt dizzy extreemly dizzy, I opened my left eye and twitched my nose at the horrible smell of the hospital.

Honestly I had no idea why I was in a hospital and why the walls were spinning around me,  I felt vile pour up my throat and before I knew it I had leaned over the bed pucking out green and all 'heart throbbing' colours.

"Oh my god Addison please next time get a bucket!" My mother said as she roled her eyes and I smirked slightly at the sight of her she had four eyes, and her mouth well she had no mouth.

And for some reason I began crying, I was in hysterics and I felt more vile come up my throat this time a nurse handed me a grey bucket and I spewed almost around four times before I didn't feel as sick anymore but extreemly tired so I lied back done drifting into a daze

The next time I woke up was a day later and I woke up from the need to vomit and my head hurt like a bitch, it was aching non stop.

The door slammed open while I was adiring the spinning walls, my mouth was a gape, and I didn't know who had walked in until a mop of curls came into a view and I reached up to grab the hair but nothing was there.

"I'm over here." A soft beautiful voice said and I turned my head slowly to look at the boy with curly hairs.

"oh Harry what are you doing here, where is Zayn?" I asked sniffling a bit and rubbing my head.

"it hurts Harry but why would you care you hate me, you kissed me remember and then Zayn caught us and now he is going to be mad!" I said sadly and reached for his nose squeezing it tightly and he winced and I giggled.

Harry smiled sadly.

"No I remember you got mad at him for betting about you-" harry said and his eyes widened and I nodded realisation hitting me that I had had a makeout session with Harry before running out of the house and I remember buying cigarettes well I think I stole them.

"and then you stole cigarettes and I followed you and we made up and I asked yout out and you said yes do you remember that?" He asked and I smiled nodding.

"Oh yeah, I really like you Hary, you've changed from being the asshole to the beautiful prince with the funny curly hair.' I said gripping his face tightly for support of my weight and he winced again squeezing his eyes shut for a second.

"Sorry boo." i said and he nodded.

"then we went to your house-" he began and I felt the vile come up again and I vomitted non stop for around ten minutes or so.

"yea, yea I remember uh mum was with a boy named Don; or Ken something weird like that and then- and then I got mad and stormed to my room yeah?" I asked and Harry nodded. "Oh yeah and then we were making out and I wanted to have sex with you but you were all like no no it's not like i'm a virgin you know." I said winking pulling him towards me.

"We could have fun now?" I asked and he winced frowning.

"I'm going to go get the doctor" He said and I frowned.

"Bring me some vodka and a teddy bear back please?" I asked and Harry chuckled nodding and walking out.

I sat in the room by myself plaiting my hair, I decided to get up and I struggled just as I reached the ground I tripped and fell I grabbed the side table next to my bed but I was too weak to pull myself up but failed miserably.

"Help!" i called slowly and quitely but no one could hear me, not until I heard footsteps and a door open.

"Addison?" I heard Harry's voice.

"uh; im-i'm on the ground." i began giggling and Harry walked over to me giving me a confused look I saw an elder looking docter; he helped me up olacing me on the old bed.

"thankyou." I said touching his elbow. "Did you know it's physically impossible to lick your elbow." I stated and he chuckled slightly nodding.

"Yes I know that Addison." he said and I smiled.

"You must be smart." He said and I nodded.

"I kno-" I said but quickly bent over the bed vomitting my insides out.

"ok so we-" He began but I stuffed my fingers in his mouth shuting him up.

"What's the time?" i asked loking over at a very amused Harry he was smirking at me and I frowned.

"Why are you laughing." I asked and began crying slowly wiping my hands with the saliva filled hand.

"It's 9:30 at night." The doctor said and I began crying even more.

"Oh no I've lost time I should be asleep in my bright pink bed." I said giggling.

"No you shouldn't Addison you don't have a pink bed." Harry said walking over to me and gripping my hand softly.

"My head, arms and legs hurt." I said "Please make it stop." I said gripping my hair and pulling my hair apart.

"Hey, hey stop that." Harry said reaching for my hand but I shook.

"I don't like your hands they're too big for your'e own good." I said and Harry smiled.

"I thought you liked them." He said clearly hurt.

"did I hurt your feelings? if I did I am very sorry." I said smiling a bit as he leaned down and kissed my cheek.

"yeah you did; I deserve a kiss." Harry said and I nodded sitting up a bit ignoring the aching of my back and I kissed him full on until a voice cleared their throat.

I looked up and the doctor looked clearly uncomforable.

"Sorry to interrupt but Addison you had a concussion your's wasn't too sever but it wil take you a few weeks to recover." he said and I nodded.

"May I ask what happend, I don't like this room it isn't black I like black." I said and the doctor smiled sadly.

"You were in a motorbike crash; and happily you will be leaving us tomorrow to go home." He said and I smiled but then frowned.

"Harry can I live with you?" I asked shocking everyone.

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