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"Addison Smith, get back here right now." One of my teachers called for me as I  stormed past the school office. The office lady watched me cautiously but soon stood up when I continued walking past the office.

"Um, miss you can't go home without signing out."  She called for me but I just continued walking away. My eyes were just focused on the main road and when I heard Harry's voice calling my name it urged me on even faster.

"Addison, I'm sorry. I can't help my feelings." He sounded like a sop, not like the dick head I met when I first moved here  not like the asshole who lied to me all these times and really was only dating me for money.

"What happened to you?" I turned around watching him with caution incase he was going to step closer. He frowned. "You've turned into a sop, what happened to the Harry  who didn't do love he just fucked anything moving." 

"He met a girl, who he was so interested in and couldn't help but fall for her."

"But the money, you couldn't help yourself although you may be inlove with me betting and money was what brought you to your feelings. Harry just realize how it must feel for me."

"Please Addison just stop pushing me away. We can fix this you just have to be willing to take the next step and let yourself fall and understand that I'm going to be there at the bottom to catch you no matter what because that, that is what love is."

"My heart is incapable of love and you know that. I don't do love."

"We sound like we belong in the notebook." He cracked a joke but I just scowled.

I knew he was right, I was pushing him away because of my past but he didn't understand or maybe he did, maybe I didn't want him to be there maybe I didn't want him to understand.

Turning away I walked out of the school gates without turning around. Looking left I crossed the road half way before being interrupted by a screech of a tire, turning around I noticed Harry dodging a car before he met me half way and held my wrists tightly. 

"Fucking don't walk away from me. I fucking love you and I know I made a mistake but you're taking this too far.  Maybe we aren't meant to be but for this moment maybe we can be. We're in highshcool Addison who knows were the future will take us but I just want you for this  moment. We aren't kids we are young adults and you're acting like a stupid five year old and I'm over it. Sure I made a fucking bet but so did Zayn." He yelled at me, all eyes seemed to be watching us.

"But I don't love Zayn." My words seemed to just flow out, I hadn't even realised that I was practically announcing my love for Harry. "I didn't mean that."

In saying that I was begining to come to realizations that maybe I did love Harry, we were young but we could still be inlove. Sighing I bit down on my lip before grabbing my hair in my hands and screaming.

"You've fucked it." 

"fucked what?" he asked, he was rubbing his tattooed arms uncomftorably.

"Fucked me, you've got me feeling all these ways and I don' like it. I don't need this. I've loved before and it never ends well and that scares me I just manipulate myself into not loving you and now you've ruined that, I can't manipulate myself anymore because it's true. I do love you but that doesnt mean I want to." 

"You don't mean that."

"I do, now please Harry do yourself a favour and move on."

Turning away from him I looked right and waited for the all clear before leaving Harry standing in the midle of the road by himself.

extremely short, but i'm about to leave and i kind of promised an update so there you go xxxx 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2014 ⏰

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