In Which there is an Escape

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       Raphael woke up being pushed off his bed and onto the stone floor. His cheek, covered with a linen bandage hit the floor, making him groan with pain. His black eyes glanced up at the person above him. The man knelt down, looking him straight in the eyes. "You're a murderer." he growled with menace. Raphael felt his mouth twist into a snarl.

"I didn't mean to; I got angry."

"Anger shouldn't be an excuse, I saw you. You looked like a natural born killer."

"Shut up!" Raphael shoved the man away from his face, his heart beating faster. He knew that the man was right, and he wanted to get away. Away from everyone.

"Brother Marshal, I did what I had to. Be thankful I came to that room that night." and with that, he ran out the door, slamming it behind him loudly. It echoed through the hall, making his ears hum. He couldn't stay in the monastery much longer, eventually, everyone would come and throw him out. After quite a few doors passed by in the halls, he reached the cloister. He loved the cloister, the wide open space made him feel like any annoyance or irritation would dissipate his.. Raphael looked up into the vast slowly lightening sky ,closing his eyes and letting out a relieved sigh. Even though his eyes were closed, his mind was still running quick, formulating a plan to get out quickly, effectively and unnoticed. It was early morning, and still dark, he should be able to escape soundlessly.

"Raphael!" came a whisper. Raphael's head snapped back forwards, eyes flying open. He spun on his heel with ease, scaring the young man behind him. "Sabri?" Raphael hissed questioningly, yanking on his collar and pulling him out of the open area. "Where are you going?" Raphael's eyes slightly narrowed, concluding that Sabri had not found out about his murder yet. "I'm leaving." He said, biting his tongue. The metallic taste made him regret his long history of being painfully honest. Pushing Sabri away from him, he turned and sped off into the other side of the monastery. Sabri was alone, speechless in the cold darkness. 

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