In Which a Job is Needed

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          Raphael walked through the villages, tugging the woolen cloak he'd stolen earlier closer. His eyes stung and his chest heaved with every breath. He needed a break, he needed a job. After leaving the monastery, he'd realized how utterly helpless he was without money. People crossed back and forth across the narrow strips of street in the village with occasional fights sending people flying backwards into shoppers carts and earning harsh yells. Raphael stopped near one cart, looking at the sign tacked onto it. The noise around him seemed muffled and the snow fell upon his exposed face chilily. His eyes lit up for once with desire and hope as he saw that the keeper of the cart wanted an assistant. It wasn't great pay, but it'd be good for a starter.

Raphael came up to the tall bony man covered in layers of coats. He cleared his throat loudly, hoping to draw the man's attention, however, the man ignored him, trying to get a old red faced man to buy a clearly fake cask.

"Sir, I'm sure you have a fine taste in items, judging from your clothes and this sir, is a golden-"

"Excuse me sir." came Raphael's curt voice, his eyes narrowed as the man turned to him with a snarl "What, boy?"

His voice lowered however when he saw that the "Boy" was nearly the same height.

"I'm in need of a job." Raphael said politely, ripping the paper off the cart and gently gesturing it to the man to prove his point. The man looked at the mangled paper then up to Raphael's black eyes.

"What job? The only job you'll find in this place is at the castle." he told him, gritting his rotting teeth together. The man yanked the paper away from him and dropped it onto the ground, turning back to his customer. "A fine golden cask, perfect for any kind of drink you fancy." Raphael scoffed loud, clearly annoyed but went on along the dusty upturned road, getting bumped into by many. Raphael felt he should have known. No one would employ a young man with such a fearsome temper. No one. Except possibly a castle who was bent on destroying and taking the riches of others. They'd need an assassin. 

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