In Which They Follow a Stranger

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          The village had changed since that day he'd wandered it for a job. It was dusty and reeked, loud noises coming from everywhere. Shopkeepers however, still yelled, hoping for a foolish merchant to buy many goods, or somebody, anybody to buy the low-quality products. Raphael followed the prince stealthily, the smell of butchers shops and the dirt eeking in from every corner making his head slightly ache. The edge of his pearly white cloak picked up the bits of filth on the streets, stayed unnoticed until a blacksmith stepped on the edge of it, making Raphael halt in his tracks. Raphael's emotionless face stayed the same as he waited for the man to pick up his foot. However a second passed and neither moved, both sensing each other's hostility. Raphael's breath slowed and he spoke softly but strongly.

"Sir, please remove your foot and let me go on my way." He said calmly, his eyes locked on the prince slowly moving away from him. Since Raphael's attention was adverted towards the prince at the moment, he did not notice the snarl the blacksmith gave him, picking up his foot with exaggeration. "Thank you" He said, feeling the pressure leave his cloak. He fled down the narrow dirt road, dodging the small children and the occasional loose animals, not to mention the people. Raphael knew that blacksmith would come back for him, because he had sensed the hostility in both of them. There'd be a fight... sooner or later.

Later on, Raphael finally caught up with Livius, his breath ragged and his heart beating loud. He bent forwards, leaning on his knees as the prince ordered a beverage in the dark cramped inn. Shifty eyes watched them warily and a group of flower covered people stood in the corner, playing their instruments slowly."Livius, I almost lost you. I don't recall you moving so fast." He said annoyed, sitting beside the prince. The prince's eyes were locked on the green cloaked stranger at the next table, cutting their food fast and stuffing it into their mouth like they hadn't eaten for months. His voice was almost lower than a whisper. "I followed him here."

"Why?" asked Raphael bitterly, leaning back slightly to check that all of his weapons were still there.

"Because.... While not many know of it anymore, that on their cloak is the crest of the Patience family. But this person isn't the only person we shall arrest today, I'm going to visit an old friend of mine." He said low, the right of his mouth lifting upwards darkly. "Yes, my prince." said Raphael. He saw the evil in the prince, even though he could so easily mask it. However, Raphael did nothing to help it, knowing that it would only grow and fester. It was an awful choice, but Raphael wasn't that concerned for the envious prince. The only reason the two got along was the feeling of hatred they both bared. The prince for the fortunate, the hotheaded and fierce for Raphael. While they both observed the quite ravenous stranger, the prince decided to start some small talk.

"Do you miss them?"

"Miss who?" Asked Raphael, lifting an eyebrow, amused.

"The monks."

"Hardly, the only thing I miss... might be that amazing library." He said softly, his head ducking down to his golden cross. It rested on the edge of the rotting wood bench, glinting beautifully in the dim light. What he said, he knew wasn't entirely true. He didn't miss anything from the monastery, no matter how hard he tried to. Raphael's imagination and empathy, whatever was left of it, had disappeared. Assassination training had taught him to lose his emotions and connect only with anger or hatred.

However, to save him from his, what he felt petty asthma attacks, he'd been able to connect to only pain. There was something that was invisible to him, that he could connect to from the past he couldn't remember. It was heart wrenching, fearsome pain,. Which made him feel like he was being killed right then and there. It was a mix of pure and utter fear, along with the sensation of total loss. It drove his mind crazy, yet he'd been able to use such a thing to his advantage over the few years of being employed by the castle.

Raphael was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of the wooden chair scraping against the ground loudly. The stranger picked up his discarded bags, swinging them over his shoulder and heading outside swiftly. The prince took a swing of his drink one last time before getting up and pushing Raphael out of his way. He followed him like a wolf and prey, ready to capture the stranger. His kingdom was bent on finding and vanquishing any other kingdoms, even their fellow sins. The stranger walked peacefully down the road, checking their tarnished pocket watch as he went. However, Livius approached them, taking action immediately. A knee connected with the back of the stranger's, bringing him crouching forwards with a growl. Livius looked down upon him with a sneer full of disdain.

"Where did you think you were going with that crest?"

The people bustling around made no notice to the man on the ground, instead observed the twisted expression of Prince Livius. The stranger replied to his question with a muffled yell- his face planted into the dirt road. Livius crouched low, yanking up on the hood, dragging his head along with it. The hood fell back and Raphael felt his stomach drop.


"Raphael?" His too familiar face looked up at him questioningly, his hazel eyes softening. "What are you doing here? I thought you'd be like training in the mountain or something." He joked, obviously not paying any attention to the deliriously mad prince above him.

"Raphael, shackle him, he's under arrest."

"Wait.. what?"

"You're under arrest for being part of the Patience family."

"You can't arrest me because of my family." Sabri said calmly, getting to his feet and shaking his clothes off. He spat out the last of the dirt and smiled warmly at Livius. Raphael stepped in between the prince and Sabri, expressionless as usual. "Prince Livius, what are your motives for this action?" Livius's mouth was tight and his fists clenched. His auburn hair was swept back off his forehead as the wind picked up, sending chills all around.

"I want them all dead. They'll pay for living. They'll pay for having a birthright when I have nothing to call my own." His eyes showed nothing but envy and hatred. It was in that moment, that Raphael knew, what family this prince had truly come from.

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