Chapter 10 - Man with rat face

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Toby was sitting next to Mrs. Lovett and Sweeney was sitting across the table. They were eating breakfast. Sweeney was watching Nellie when she didn't look. Toby was looking at Mr. Todd awkwardly. ,,What the hell is going on with Mr. Todd?" He thought.

-Mum, could I go to my friend today? - He asked.

-Of course. - She reply.

Someone knocked to the door. Sweeney stand up and opened door. Suddenly, he stood motionless.

-Good Morning Sir. - Said the man. Nellie looked at Sweeney and asked:

-Who is it? - She couldn't see the man. The short, well build man. The man with a face like a rat. The vile man, who was accomplice in many contemptible deeds.

Nellie slowly stand up. She came up to the door. She silently gulped. It was Beadle.

-Hello Mrs...

-Lovett Sir. Mrs. Lovett. - She said.

-What's the problem Sir? - Asked Sweeney.

-I'm so sorry Mr. Todd, but you are arrested on charge of about tens murders and for Judge murder in this. Police! Get him! - Said Beadle with rough voice. Two policemen came up to Sweeney and handcuffed him. He didn't refrain them, he was just standing, he even give them his hands.

-What? No! What are you doing? He didn't kill anyone! He is innocent! It was me! Yes! It was me! I killed the Judge! HE DIN'T KILL ANYONE! - Nellie was screaming with despair in voice. She was almost crying.

-Please... Don't take him... - She said. When they were walking away, Sweeney whispered in her ear:

-I'll be right back sweetie... - She looked at him with eyes full of tears.

-But... I want you now... - She whispered after him.

A/N : I know it's a short chapter. Write your opinions, pleaseeeeeeee! :c

Sweenett: You'll always be my hero, even though you lost your mind.Where stories live. Discover now