Chapter 1

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Alexander's POV

Finally, I got to the damn coffee shop. God it was a tired day.

I sighed and grabbed my laptop bag in the backseat and shut my car, barely pressing my keys to lock the old thing.

I walked up the short distance to the little shop and opened the door, letting a few people leave before me cursing under my breath at them and walked inside.

The barista welcomed me when I came in and gave me a small smile. This guy wasn't the usual barista.

He took my order and every word he said seemed to slip right through me. He probably thought I was high since I kept asking him to repeat what he had just said.

Soon enough, he called my name and I grabbed my coffee, giving him a tired and quick smile before sitting down at a secluded table.

It was almost like I could feel him watching me sit down but when I looked to his direction, he was making coffee and taking orders.

Man was I out of it. What's up with me..?

I let a deep breath out and opened my laptop. Opening word and typing away. But the entire time I was just thinking about his smile and the way he welcomed me and....

God!! I have to stop thinking about him. Why does this happen so fucking often...?

Finally it become darker outside and the shop was closing. I hadn't noticed and I was emerged into my laptop; typing.

"Sir?" I jumped, swiveling my head around to look at where the voice had came from. It was him.

Quickly, I noticed that the whole shop was empty, and almost all of the workers were gone.

"Oh.. I'm.. I'm sorry I didn't realize the time!" I quickly laughed, shutting off my computer and shoving it into my bag.

"It's fine! It's fine.." He said it with a small awkward laugh.

"I'll... Have a good day!" I gave an awkward smirk and ran out of the shop.

I hit myself across the face.

"Stupid! Stupid... Stupid!" I muttered to myself, climbing into my car and throwing my bag to the back of it; quickly driving home.

I ship Jefferson and Hamilton
Sorry 👀

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