Little Brother

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Xander couldn't believe it. First he has to prepare a room for his favorite band, second he actually MEETS them, and finally they give him a pass to actually see the show? Either something bad was about to happen and ruin it all, or fate was finally in his favor.

Papa asks him to sit down, and Xander obliges. "So how old are you, young one?" Xander replies, "Seventeen in December."

"And you have a job already?"

"I gotta survive somehow" he shrugs. Papa and the ghouls stare at him curiously. Xander sighs, "I was kicked out at fifteen... I live on my own."

"But why were you kicked out?"

"I came out. I'm transgender..."

"Wait... So you were born a boy?"

Xander laughs, "I wish. No, I was born a girl." The ghouls all said, "Oh wow" in unison. Xander couldn't help but smile. He passed to his favorite band!

"Well, my son," Papa says, "since you are here now with us... And since the show doesn't start for another three hours, how would you like to have dinner with us?" Xander's smile grows into a grin, "I'd love to, Sir!"

"Oh you don't have to call me Sir. Just call me Papa." Xander nods, "Okay, Papa."

Papa smiles and pats his shoulder. Water hands him the other cookie he had snuck from the chips ahoy box, "Here ya go, little brother." Xander smiles and eats the cookie, "Little brother?" He asks with his mouth full. Papa and the ghouls laugh, "Of course you're my little brother," Water says, "You're a part of the family now. You're a mini ghoul."

Xander refrains from screaming. Though he was manly and tough (so manly and tough that he could win a manly toughness contest lmao), he was still a fanboy at heart.

"Where did you get that cookie?" Papa narrows his eyes at Water. Water looks at Omega. Omega looks at the cabinet. Papa sighs, "Ghouls... They never behave. So... Uh... I'm sorry, I never asked your name. That was very rude of me."

"Oh, its Xander. Xander MacKallop."

"Well, Xander MacKallop, let us go get some lutefisk!" The ghouls cheer and run out the door. Papa shakes his head and leads Xander out the door.

The whole band piles into a black minivan who's license plate read "i luv s8n". Xander grins and sits in between Air and Earth. Air stares down at him curiously, "You're quite small... So small, I must say, that Earth may be taller than you." Before Xander could even react, Earth punches his fist into the air, "YES!! IM TALLER THAN SOMEONE!!!!!"

"Silence!" Papa snaps from the drivers seat, "Or no lutefisk for you!!" Earth immediately went silent. Papa continued, "As for you, Air, no teasing the little one. He is your brother now and you will treat him as such." Air looks down at Xander and nudges him with his elbow, "Wanna throw stuff at Papa, little brother?" Xander, smiling, declines. Air shrugs and throws an old ketchup packet at Papa's head, causing the front man to swerve, "WHO THREW THAT?!"

All the ghouls were snickering, not answering him. Papa looks at Xander through the rear-view mirror, "Xander... Who threw that?" Papa knew Xander wouldn't lie to him. Xander froze, "um..." Omega chimed in, "Twas the ghost of Papa Oneeee" all the ghouls, Xander included, exploded with laughter. Papa rolls his eyes and kept driving.

"Since you're sort of a ghoul now," Alpha says to Xander, "You need a coolio nickname." All of the ghouls look at Xander, thinking of possible names for their new little brother. "How about.. Thunder? Cuz Cerice, you know?" Xander peeps. The ghouls look to Papa for insight. Papa looks back at him briefly, "Is that what you wish to be called? Thunder?"

"I-it doesn't have to be Thunder.." Xander stutters. Papa smiles, "You know... I like it. Its suits you. Thunder it is!"

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