A Gymnast's Life In Words

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   If you don't want a social life, you like breaking bones and bruising, then gymnastics is for you. This is my story in words.

        " Taylor WAKE UP!!!" I rolled out of bed with a loud thud. Ugh just what I want to do, go to school on a Monday with a bruise on my head, how would I explain that one. I go to the kitchen and sit at the table waiting for my bacon to fry. It is a beautiful day outside and the birds are chirping. And then I look at the clock, I ONLY HAVE 20 MINUTES TO GET READY. Great job Taylor I think to myself. I run upstairs, go into the bathroom, and brush my teeth as fast as I can. I comb my hair and straighten through it just to get out some of the loopy curls. I grab a pair of jeans and get an old shirt from out of my closet. Then, I grab my backpack and go.

   I run outside barely making it to the bus. And I am super glad that my best friend Hailey has thankfully saved me a seat. " Almost missed the bus again didn't ya?" she said not surprised at all. " Yeah, but at least im here. Are you gonna be at practice?" I say even though I already know the answer. " Yeah. Always." She says with a smile.

   We arrived at school and luckily we are in the same class so if I ever need anything she will know. When we get to the classroom my teacher instructs us to find our lockers. Me and Hailey's locker are right next to eachother. Could this year get any better?

    It is finally lunch time and I am competely starving. We had pasta with sause and a bread stick, my favorite! Ding, ding, ding..... the bell rings and we run out to reccess. Hailey, Kiera, Sienna, and I all play a game of kick ball. We head back to class and the final bell goes off and it is time to leave.

   When I get home, I tell my mom all about my day and put on my leotard for gymnastics practice. And did I tell you? WE HAVE A FOUR HOUR PRACTICE TONIGHT Oh well, honestly, I could always use extra practice.

A Gymnast's Life In WordsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora