Chapter 3: At the ER

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    When we arrived at the ER I finally woke up. I didn't entirely know what had happened so my mother explained every little detail to me to be sure I could picture some of it in my mind and some of my memory would come back. I really didn't remember but I told her I did anyway. I hope no one talks about it at practice tomorrow because I don't want to be the center of attention. And then it clicks in, it really doesn't matter because I won't beable to go to practice tommorow. Ugh. I thought this was going to be great but of course I had to break my ankle, way to go Taylor.

       We had to stay at the ER over night for some examination and so they could take some thorough observation. I felt a little pampered, I could get used to this but what's the use. You may think I am stressed and a little lippy right now, and I am. This is the worst thing that has happened to me since 2009. And in 2009, I fell off of a horse and lost my memory and the only way I know that is because my mother told me. 

   In the ER my mom explains to me that I will need a boot and that I will not beable to compete for 7-8 weeks. Then, the doctor comes in and explains how serious the damage   is. 

     I eat my food and the doctor releases us from the hospital.  I am excited to finally be going home and everything will go back to normal. At least I hope.

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