The poison

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The night was young, there was no need for batman, until the smell of flowers was in the air.

A few miles from the tower where batman was lurking he could see a flower rise out the ground, batman jumped down from the tower into his car and drove to the rising flower.

With no surprise it was poison Ivy thinking that the world would be better with more plants than humans. As batman fought his way to the evil poison Ivy, superman calls him up to ask there he was because they were planning to eat with Wonder Woman. Batman said: 'I am a little bit busy'. Superman could hear in batman's voice that he was fighting. 'I will help you out, Bruce' superman said and flew to batman. Batman wanted to say where was no need but superman was already next to him.

In the meantime Poison ivy was making new soldiers out of civilians with a poison that make men fall in love at the first person they seem.

Superman was helping batman with fighting of the civilians. Superman thought it to be smart if he fight poison ivy of but that was not a good idee she was hoping that one of the 'good asshole' was helping batman, will fall for this trick.

Superman was standing in front of her and thinging the poison will not work on him because he is not from here, as poison ivy blow the poison in Superman's eyes, superman closed his eyes and heard batman running towards him.

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