Chapter.1 Needing help

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Jurri has been pacing in her father's old study waiting for a raven to arrive with more information about what is going on outside in the vampire world. Humans have started to go missing, Kaname has been on edge and has been keeping a distance from everyone, at least twice Yuki has come to Jurri for help of what to do with Kaname and his new attitude. Zero has not been able to sleep properly due to always working with the vampire hunters. Senri has been training with Yuki to help her control her powers along with Rima who has become a huge support for Jurri. As much of it being an odd thing to say with everything that is going on, Jurri felt this has brought everyone closer, however, she won't say it out loud.

"You need to relax Jurri, tension won't help anyone, even yourself," Isaya said placing a cup of tea on the desk.

"What is going on out there, Isaya?" Jurri asked looking out her window ignoring the tea cup.

"Nothing that we can't fix," He said sitting down taking a sip of his own tea.

"You speak so confidently, why?" Jurri asked turning around.

"Jurri, your father, uncle and aunt had a few allies, I am sure they will be willing to help" Isaya placed his tea down quietly he has always moved with slow motions, elegant, never faulting.

"What allies do we have?" Jurri asked finally taking the cup of tea, the smell of erl gray hitting her nose.

"There are two families who have always been close to the Kuran clan, the Cassius clan, and the Croft clan. They will most likely help you, they have always liked the idea of peace and normally kept to themselves within the vampire world." Isaya said resting his hands on his lap.

Jurri looked out the window, she wondered if they will really help them, she doesn't want to get her hopes up, so she came up with an idea. "I will send out a raven to each of the families, I will get their response that way," she said finishing up her tea and setting it back on the table.

"That might be wise, none of the other vampires know yet about you being able to control ravens, so it will help not being noticed" Isaya nods and continues drinking his tea. The two have become closer, Isaya has become her advisor and friend in a way, helping her through the vampire world. In many ways Isaya has come to be even closer to the family as a whole, Kaname, Zero, and Senri trusting Isaya and become friends. Yuki sees Isaya as almost an uncle, though she would not tell him that just yet.

In a different part of the mansion, Yuki is outside with Senri throwing the stones from the ground at him with her powers. He dodges them easily, Yuki has yet to get faster however it's a big improvement compared to how she was when she first started.

"You need to be faster, Yuki," Senri said easily dodging another blow.

"I know" Yuki sighs "I just wished we have more time" She sat on one of the stone benches in the garden. "I am only able to wield Artemis, but I need to be prepared if one day I can't use my weapon" Yuki leans back resting herself. "I want to become stronger".

"Don't let Kaname hear you say that, " Senri said sitting next to her on the bench.

"Yeah... he would probably say something like "My Yuki don't be anything but yourself" or "You don't need to protect anyone, let me do that" But I don't want him too. I can't keep relying on him" Senri looked at Yuki, he feels for her, he too feels the same way she does, he wants to become stronger to protect those he loves. Jurri, Rima, everyone he holds dear, he wants them to always live care free.


"How many does that make now?" Cross asked looking at the piles of paper spread out on the table.

"200 so far, we don't know yet if they have been breeding any" Yagari said with a grim tone. At this moment a meeting was being held, at the table is Kaien Cross, Yagari Toga, Zero Kiryu, Kaito Takamiya, Kaname Kuran and Ichijou Takuma. Vampires and vampire hunters working together to protect a coexistence that has yet to come.

"And the Police?"

"They are having tight security day and night taking shifts," Zero said sliding his hand through his hair.

"Jurri has sent out her ravens to do some extra watches, the vampire society doesn't know about her being able to control ravens," Kaname said with his arms across his chest looking at pictures of missing humans and victims. He hated this, Kaname hated every bit of this, he is the vampire king and yet he has let this go on? How will he be able to give Yuki a safe home and all the happiness in the world if he has let this happened?

Ichijou looked at Kaname sensing his worry, he has been friends with Kaname for a very long time, he knows when Kaname is angry, he knows when he is sad, he knows when he is lying. Now Ichijou is tired of fighting, all he wants in his vampire life is to live in peace. However, he knows it is nothing more than just wishful thinking.

"We need more numbers Cross, even some of our hunters have been injured and captured!" Yagari said stressed to all hell.

"I know, but from whom?" Cross rubbed the bridge of his nose. Deep thoughts were interrupted by a raven at the window tapping at the window.

"It's Jurri," Zero said going to the window opening to let the raven in. The raven opened its wings and flies in settling itself in the center of the table. When Zero found out about Jurri's full power he was in awe of her wings, her transformation into a huge raven, and her control over them.

"Do you have any news, Jurri?" asked Cross hoping for something good.

"I have good news and I have bad news," the voice of Jurri said, sounding like an echo through the room.

"Bad news first please" Cross sighed getting stressed even more.

"When I let my ravens fly to search the area they saw 4 different purebloods Sara Shirabuki, a member of the Toma family, Ashton Klare, and Elizabeth Loren," Jurri said naming off those she saw. "Not to mention a few aristocrats"

"Shit" Yagari said placing his hands on the table. So far they only have Isaya, Jurri, and Kaname, they would include Yuki however she has yet to meet her full power. She can not hold her own in a full battle yet, the only thing Yuki has is Artemis.

"Any news from Lord Ori?" Kaname asked feeling more on edge than ever, He hates Shirabuki with every fiber, at least now he has a reason to be rid of that woman, she has been after his power and position for years.

"He has declined to fight, Ori has been alive for so long that, well... when he saw my raven he hoped it was his time, so he decided to sleep instead" Jurri spoke, she remembered his eyes they almost had a hint of hope, but once she told him why she brought her raven here, he became grim and turned away 'I am an old vampire miss Jurri, I have come to the point where I do not even wish to kill anything anymore, please understand that I am tired'. 

"And what of the Hanadagi family?" Kaito asked keeping his cool.

"They had a protector guarding the family, they are all still asleep," Jurri said, the raven turning to Kaito.

"Let's hope they stay that way then"

"Jurri, what of the good news?" Cross asked now praying for something good.

"I have sent out two of my ravens to two families, the Cassius clan, and Croft clan. Isaya said that they were allies to aunt Juri, uncle Haruka, they should be able to help us" Jurri said putting hope into everyone's eyes. 

"Cross, the Cassius clan are all purebloods there are three of them total, this is the number that we need!" Yagari said happy to hear some good news.

"Did you get a reply from them?" Cross asked looking at the raven.


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