Chapter.7 To love and live

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"It suits you, you know," Rima said as she looked at the weapon that rested on Senri's bed.

"You think so?" Rima nods when she first saw Senri holding the weapon she could only see the perfection of it all. The weapon without it even being used yet, became apart of his body instantly. The sharp edges made him look stronger, the length of it made him look taller. The weapon Rido Kuran made was meant to be in Senri's hands.

Senri never expected to be given such a gift, he always thought that Jurri was more Rido's favorite do to her being a pureblood, but now he is not so sure. He looked marveled at the beauty of the weapon, both the trident and his sister's bow matched perfectly together. 

Lord Richard mentioned that both weapons had the same designs and were made with the same material. A different kind from the vampire hunter weapons even, the hunter's weapons were a dark grey having a tint of a lavender color to it, while his and his sister's weapon was a dark silver with a blue tint to it. How his father was able to create such a thing he may never know. 


Jurri sat in her father's study as she too marveled at the weapon she concentrated on every wing that was carved and every hollow cut out. Her eyes traveled up to the corner of the room where one of the pillars had circular designs on it. Curiosity hitting her as she lifted up Apollo into her hands taking hold of the base. making a small cut on her hand with her nails she made an arrow using her blood. Placing the freshly created arrow on her fingers and through the bow as she stretched the cord she had her eyes set on the highest circular design on one of the pillars. Her bow and arrow in position, taking her time to let the arrow go from her fingers hitting the target.  

"Have you ever used a weapon like that before?" Kaname's voice spoke up startling Jurri a bit as she quickly made another arrow pointing it at Kaname.

"Kaname! Please knock before entering next time!" Jurri shouted at Kaname. Kaname chuckled as he watched Jurri put the blood arrow away and laid Apollo down on the desk.

"You seem like you have used a bow and arrow before," Kaname remarked sitting across from Jurri as she sat down behind her desk.

"No, it's my first time. I just wanted to test out my theory" She said relaxing into the chair.

"And that theory is?"

"If the weapon was truly made for me, would it be able to hit where I wanted?" She said looking up at him.

"That is an interesting theory, and I am to assume that by you actually hitting the target it is true?"

"That or first-time luck" Jurri grinned, Kaname smiled but it didn't last long.

" What is it?" Jurri asked sitting up from her chair. In private the two purebloods have become close, both believing in each other.

"I know Yuki has been training to become stronger, and as much as I would like for her to not participate in this war, I know she would end up finding some way to try and help us" Kaname's eyes lowered, even after the two have become so close it was still hard for either of the two to try and tell what the other was thinking.

"Jurri I must ask a favor of you" Kaname began sitting up straighter looking into Jurri's eyes "I need you to keep a close eye on her"

"Are you an idiot?" Jurri asked with a raised brow.

"Jurri please I know that I have the others to count on but out of everyone you are stronge-"

"That's not what I am saying Kaname" Jurri interrupted "I have been learning how to fight on my own for a long time now, Yuki just barely got back her pureblood powers just a year ago, of course I am going to keep an eye on her, I don't need you to tell me that" Jurri smiled liking the reaction of shock that was across Kaname's face. His shocked express slowly moved into a calm and thankful smile.

"You are right, that is quite an idiotic question"

"However I must ask a favor of you," Jurri said an unreadable expression shown on her face.

"What is it?"

"I don't expect a lot of us to survive this, as much as everyone has such high expectation of the Kurans winging this war, I do not think that is enough." Jurri's eyes lowered a sad expression Kaname knows all too well was placed on her face.

"What is that you are asking me Jurri?" Kaname pushed.

"Spend time with her Kaname, I will make sure that Yuki will be safe however our enemies will be more concerned about you, you will be their first target, and I-"

"I understand, Jurri," Kaname said this time interrupting Jurri as he held a small smile on his lips.

"You may be younger from when you first awoke, but I can see the same feeling in your eyes when I look at Isaya and Lord Richard," Jurri said with a sad smile. "Love her Kaname, while you can".

"Yes, and that goes for you and Zero as well Jurri," Kaname said both looking into each other's eyes. 


That night Kaname showed Yuki his love and devotion to her, nothing else mattered to the two lovers. Both in absolute bliss within each other's arms. The same for Jurri and Zero, the couples having no care in the world, there was no war to come, no sorrow, no death it was nothing but pure bliss, however, things like this are short-lived when a knock at their doors awoke them the next night.


A man in black stood at the top of the building watching from the shadows as a group of known purebloods stood in front of the newborn army. He has been following the army for months now, a dangerous and risky move to make, however, he will go to any length to protect his children.

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