Chapter.5 Croft Family

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The head of the Croft family is Morris Croft an Aristocrat vampire who was saved by Richard Cassius's wife at a young age. Morris and Richard after time have become friends to each other, supporting and helping when in need. Morris Croft never had a wife but had instead adopted three children that he loves very much. Stephen Croft, Laurence Croft and finally Diana Croft, Stephen and Laurence being twins and Diana being the youngest out of the three. Even though she is the youngest she acts like the older sister and does not take part in her brother's silly pranks that they pull. However, she does show a great amount of respect for her father who saved her as well at a young age. You could say Morris had developed a good habit of saving young children and bringing them back to their families. Unlike the twins and Diana whose families had died, he took in and raised himself.

At first, he thought he himself would not be able to do it on his own. An aristocrat who had no mate, no siblings and no children of his own had little experience taking care of young vampire children. Yes, he was a child himself at one point but after years of living, you tend to forget things that were of no importance. So he did the most logical thing a man could do, hire a nanny. He had to go through a series of women to find the perfect one. Cooking skills, patience and then of course experience.After months he finally found one, a human woman who was in her 40s named Margret. Margaret had no family and was a kind human woman who became a big part of the children's lives.

Life in the Croft house was always very lively Richard Cassius would say. The twins creating some kind of contraption for another prank. Diana studying the laws and history of the vampire world. Morris in the lounge working on papers to fill at his own pace along with enjoying a good book and wine. Margaret fitted into the family very well, keeping an eye on the twins and helping with the cooking and cleaning.

Morris was known as a slow vampire, not in the head but just in his movements, like a human who takes their time going from one place to another. He never liked to live a fast life, he enjoyed living in the moment, seeing his children grow up the nanny becoming more of a mother figure to the children and then at one point he wished time would just stand still completely.Margaret passed at the age of 85 peacefully in her sleep, Morris knew this would happen but he did not expect such a strong bond to form between the woman he hired, she was his friend, sister, and companion. The children saw her as a mother and older sister a person they knew that loved them even when they were not her own, but in a way they were hers, they were her children. The family still pushed on and taking their life lessons with them as the years went by.

"Happiness is only real when shared."

-John Krakauer, Into the Wild

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