Chapter.10 Chaos

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Death and Blood will be mentioned in this chapter!

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The last few days seemed to move fast for them, the minutes and hours moved fast when the Kurans were notified that war had started. Those who could fight went back to the fallen vampire hunter association, the ruins of the building gave them no help as they stacked fallen stones into a second inner wall. Kaname could sense it, their enemies found out what had happened and are slowly walking to them. The purebloods, Kaname, Isaya, and Richard stood in the front. Behind them stood Richards son the Cassius family, Zero, Kaien Cross and Yagari. Behind them, the third row stood Yuki, Jurri, Senri, Ichijou, Hanabusa, Rima, Ruka, Kain and various other hunters that could fight.

Jurri could feel the pounding of their enemies feet as they walked closer, she kept close to Yuki, she could hear her breath quicken in anticipation. Jurri let her sharp nail cut into her flesh as she formed a rod of her own. Simple, however morbid looking she handed the rod over to Yuki, as of course, Yuki had nothing to defend or attack with. Yuki looked at Jurri as she received the blood rod.

"You will be needing that since I have this" Jurri commented as she held up her bow. Yuki did a quick admiration of Jurri as she held the bow in her hands, her eyes moved to Senri who was also holding his weapon. Both of them look like Greek gods, Senri's strong gaze scanned their surroundings, Jurri's pose as she held her bow close to her forming an arrow and pointing it at the ready. Rima looked at Senri, she reached out her hand for his but stopped instantly as they were no longer alone, their enemies have come.

A rhythm in their enemies steps as their feet hit the stone floors, it was very alarming as you can both hear and feel the great numbers their enemies have against them. Kaname glared upon the purebloods who walked closer to them. Kaname pulled out his sword from its scabbard and handed it over Zero who was behind him.

"You are gonna need it" Kaname voiced not looking over at Zero who gave a confused look at first but realized, Kaname is a vampire a pureblood vampire at that, there is no need for him to have a sword. Zero quickly put his attention to what was in front of them, their enemies have become closer.

Kaname put his pointer and middle fingers up grabbing the attention of Jurri as he pointed the two fingers at their enemies. Jurri pulled her bow and arrow and released it at the feet of their enemies who quickly stopped, the arrow morphed as the blood tried to reach for anything close by but then finally faded after not finding anything.  Thier enemies tried to look in the direction where the arrow came from, to see who shot at them, but they couldn't as the arrow somehow moved passed Kaname and the others.

"That is as far as you will go," Kaname said in a commanding voice. A Pureblood who was more in the center gave Kaname a challenging grin, his eyes squinting and lit with something foul and devious.

"Kaname Kuran, You seem to have taken the side of those who do not care if we live or die. We all find that to be quiet troubling" The pureblood said stretching out his arms to show 'we all' to be.

"And you seemed to side with those who want nothing but bloodshed and death for those weaker than them" Kaname replied his voice never wavering as he stood tall. The pureblood only smiled as a female pureblood took a step forward.

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