chapter 13

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Cherry, Atticus, Atlas, Dumbo, and Timothy then found a way back to the circus.

"Where have you all been!?" the ringmaster glared to them. "I've been worried sick over you!"

"Trust us, you wouldn't believe us if we told you, but we can promise you is that tonight's performance is one no one will ever forget." Atticus smiled.

"Oh, that sounds very promising." the ringmaster smiled eagerly and selfishly again, his greed taking over him.

"You'll have to wait and see what is it." Cherry added.

"Oh, hurry up in there then!" the ringmaster pointed inside the tent. "Those folks will be here any minute and I want that elephant to be turned back into a clown pronto!"

"Oh, he will, sir." Atlas smirked.

Cherry went to take care of Dumbo. The female elephants were nearly healed and not as hurt as they were from the Pyramid of Pachyderms mess.

"I promise, Dumbo, after today, you never have to wear this crap on your face again." Cherry told the baby elephant as she applied the clown make-up on his face.

"Thank goodness." Dumbo smiled.

Cherry gently blew in his face to let the paint and make-up dry quicker.

"This is going to be a show no one will ever forget." Dumbo smiled.

"You got that right, please try not to talk while I do this." Cherry warned.

"Sorry." Dumbo stopped then.

Cherry kept working and once she was finished, she let him go, then put the feather close to him. Dumbo wrapped his trunk around the feather as a good luck charm. And where afterwards, they all got to their positions as crowds of people began to come in to see the circus acts.

"Wow, that's a huge crowd." Cherry's face paled once she saw there were a lot more people than usual coming to the circus tonight.

The other acts went by and they seemed to go sooner than expected until it was time for the clown act. The mother elephant clown was going hysterical as the act normally went with Dumbo as the baby stuck in a burning building. Timothy was going to stay with Dumbo for emotional support, he had been a real pal and Cherry and Atticus would never forget him.

"Is it just me or is that higher than usual?" Atlas asked.

"I don't know, but I'm glad I'm not up there." Cherry whispered as she stood by with a bull whip in case Dumbo would misbehave, but she knew he wouldn't.

Dumbo looked even more nervous to be up this high, but Timothy kept coaching him and told him to hold onto the magic feather.

"Why do you have a bull whip?" Atticus asked his best friend.

"Ringmaster made me," Cherry said. "Just in case the animals get out of control, I know I'll never use it on Dumbo, but I have to keep it with me."

"I swear, I hate that man more and more." Atlas growled.

Dumbo jumped off the platform and was starting to fall down instantly. The fall was rather strong and Dumbo was falling quicker than anticipated. So much that the feather came out of his trunk.

"Uh-oh, he lost the magic feather!" Cherry got nervous.

"Oh, no, what now?!" Atlas asked out of nervousness.

"All we can do is hope and pray that he can fly without it." Atticus said.

"Prayer doesn't work..." Cherry mumbled due to her skeptical ways.

Dumbo was very nervous, but eventually... The audience looked in shock and wonder as the baby elephant spread out his ears and he started to fly around.

"Wahoo!" Atticus cheered.

"He did it!" Cherry and Atlas cheered for the baby elephant.

The clowns were scared and they hid in a barrel of water which made the audience laugh. Another clown ended up in a tub of cream pie. Dumbo then started to do some tricks while in the air that wowed the crowd even more.

"This is amazing! You know what would make this even better?" Atticus asked.

"Public humiliation?" Cherry asked.

"Yep." Atticus smiled.

"But how?" Cherry's eyes grew shifty.

"I also think those elephants need their just desserts too." Atlas agreed.

Atticus came up with an idea and began to whisper it all to Cherry and Atlas. Cherry and Atlas leaned in to listen.

Since this was dark and sinister, Cherry had a rather malicious look on her face and she rubbed her hands together like a wicked villian. "Let's do it!"

"Then let's get everything into position." Atticus said.

Cherry and Atlas nodded in agreement.

"Atticus is always the man with a plan..." Darla commented.

"Jealous..." Amber muttered, but still smiled.

"Some of us can have a plan from time to time." Patch said.

"You know what I mean." Darla retorted.

Back in the story, Atticus, Atlas, and Cherry were waiting for the right moment. As soon as the moment arrived, the three of them put the plan into action. Dumbo was flying toward the ringmaster now.

The ringmaster panicked and ran off, tripping over a ball and then fell into a barrel of water, headfirst. And where luckily he had the contracts that held Atticus, Cherry, and Atlas in the circus against their will. Dumbo had the mother elephant mask also placed on the ringmaster's butt which made the audience laugh.

Cherry noticed paper and took it out to show her, Atticus, and Atlas's contracts. "I'm no lawyer, but I think these contracts are beyond saving, which means, you don't own us anymore!"

"Yep and where since you don't have copies of these, we can do this." Atticus and Atlas said before they both ripped the contracts to shreds.

"You can't do that!" the ringmaster tried to get himself free.

"I'm sorry, sir, but you have no legal right or authority of us anymore." Atlas agreed, shockingly enough for the ringmaster.

"Yeah and after tonight, we are out of here and going back where we belong!" Atticus told the ringmaster.

"You can't!" the ringmaster protested.

"We can and will!" Cherry said, determined and strong.

Dumbo sucked up peanuts from the cart and beaned them at the female elephants. They may had been friends with his mother, but they were bullies to him, so he decided to give them a taste of their own medicine. And where they didn't seem to like this at all, but they did indeed deserve it.

"You're making history!" Timothy praised Dumbo.

The crowd loved Dumbo and thought he was great, no longer making fun of his large ears. And where this was indeed going to be history in the making.

Cherry and Atticus Meet DumboWhere stories live. Discover now