Chapter 4-- Preparing

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Angela: Jim! Oscar! Why are you just standing there! It's 5 o' clock and they could be arriving any minute now.

Jim: Ok guys. You heard the woman. Find a hiding place and turn off the lights. 

(To cameras) Creed: I'm used to hiding from police so this shouldn't be too hard for me.

(Creed tries to hide under Pam's desk, but Pam kicks him and tells him to hide somewhere else. Angela hides with Andy and Jim hides behind the copier. Oscar hides under his desk while Michael assumes superiority and waits by the door. Phyllis and Meredith hide in the break room while Kevin gets too excited and runs around the room trying to find a good spot while Angela snaps at him to find somewhere to hide. Stanley does absolutely nothing and just sits in his chair with a dour look on his face.)

(The door opens and in comes Dwight) 

Everyone: Surprise! 

Dwight: For me. Oh you shouldn't have! 

Angela: Dwight! Get down they're almost here! 

(Michael turns off the lights while Dwight jumps behind a desk, trying to make it as cool as possible.)

(Door opens and in walks Leslie and the crew from Parks and Rec.)

Michael: Surprise! Welcome to Scranton! 

Leslie: You guys! This was so nice of you! 

Tom: Yes! I knew there was going to be a party! 

Angela: In the break room over there, we have cake and--

Ron: Move out of the way.

(Ron darts out of the room while an angered Angela stares at him in disbelief).

Ann: He really likes cake

(An angered Angela just walks away) 

Jim: Karen? What are you doing here? 

Ann: Oh didn't you hear? I left The Office and became an actress on Parks and Recreation. I'm Ann and I'm dating Chris now.

Chris: I'm litrally so excited to meet you. 

Jim: Oh, well then nice to meet you.

Michael: Ok everyone. Let me tell you about everyone here at the office. Meet Pam, the sexy receptionist. There's Jim, her best friend.

Jim: Um, we're actually engaged.

Michael: Is that still going on? Wow. I didn't think it would last that long. Anyway, there's Toby. You can just ignore him. He was supposed to move to Costa Rica, but he came back and (in a sarcastic voice) we're so glad he's back. There's Phyllis, one of the office's dear elderly citizens.

Phyllis: We're the same age. 

Michael: But--

Phyllis: We were in the same high school class.

Michael: Yeah, but I had a late birthday--anyway. There's Creed, the office's creepy old man (Creed winks at that). There's Stanley the Manley. He's just a gem. (Michael tries to pinch Stanley's cheeks, but Stanley yells at him to get away or he'll call his lawyer.) There's Kevin. He won the "Don't go in there after me." dundie award. I believe that's self-explanatory. There's Kelly, the non-stop talker and Ryan, the temp. He went to business school, but can't even work a toaster! Bet they didn't teach you that in business school! (Ryan rolls his eyes). There's Oscar, our office's only gay man although one could argue Andy is gayer. There's Meredith. Don't offer her alcohol. She's trying to go sober for three years. (Everyone turns to Meredith who's pouring wine into a cup.)

Meredith: This is apple cider. 

Michael: Meet Angela, the cat-loving, judgmental, vegetarian Christian. Meet Dwight, and then Andy--

Andy D: Hey! That's my name! 

Andy B: Ayyyyy!

April: Babe. Shhhh.

Michael: who had to be sent away for anger issues.

Andy: Really? That's what you say about me? 

(To cameras) Dwight: Am I upset that Michael didn't say anything about me? Absolutely not. I don't know who these people are and they could use my information for exploitation. It's better that my life stays private to them. Besides, it's better than having anger issues like Andy.

Michael: That's everyone. Well except for the warehouse crew. There Darryl--

(An angered Ron comes barging in the room)

Ron: Who is responsible for this! 

(He points angrily at his fruit cake)

Ron: This is not cake. It's pretty much just bread and sadness! Who is the deceiver! 

Angela: Hey! I spent two hours on that!

Ron: You're testing me woman! 

Leslie: That's Ron. He's very opinionated. There's Tom and Donna, who like the finer things Pawnee has to offer. There's April, our young intern. There's Andy, April's goofy husband. There's Ann, my best friend and her husband Chris. There's Jerry, and well...he's just Jerry. There's Ben, my sexy husband (she kisses him on the cheek.) And I'm Leslie! 

Michael: Now that we know everyone, go ahead. Talk. Commence. Get comfortable, but not too comfortable am I right? 

Andy D: Alright so where can I put my bag?

Tom: Andy, you were supposed to leave it in the car!

Andy D: Oh really! Oops! 

Michael: You can put in under my desk.

Andy: I don't see how it could fit.

Michael: That's what she said.

Andy D: What?

Michael: Just put it in my office for now.

Andy D: Sweet! 

(He throw his bag in Michael's office while all the contents spill out and he slams the door.)

Tom: Alright! Who's ready to partayyyy! 

Andy: Woo hoo! 

*End of scene*

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