Chapter 4

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I watched the clock as fourth period was nearing its end. Skyler had been profusely bugging me the entire time. I wouldn't budge. So far I hadn't said a single word to anybody today.

It was Monday, only a day since I saw that newscast. Since I saw something--rather--someone that I wish I hadn't. I didn't mention it to Chance or Skyler. It wasn't something that I was entirely comfortable with sharing due to everything it entailed. I only told Amy after we got home. I knew I could trust her with this.

The bell had finally rung and I jetted out of the class. I wanted to avoid any contact with other humans. Skyler knew something was wrong with me but I was in no mood to confirm that. In hindsight it didn't seem like an effective tactic. It was lunch time. We were both going to end up in the same location.

I didn't go straight to the table. I decided to take the long way around. I needed to gather my thoughts. All 137 of them. I don't know how people function when having so many things going through their minds.

I turned a corner and made eye contact with Steve. He wore his usual smirk. I didn't allow it to mean anything. I took in a deep breath and continued walking past him. I eventually ended up in the lunch court. I could see my friends gathered around. Skyler, Chance and Stella watched intently as Amy stood up. talking to them.

"So apparently he told Cole is name was Xander Kane," she told them as I walked up.

Maybe trusting Amy wasn't the best idea.

"Hey guys," I uttered, making it clear that I wasn't pleased.

"Oh, Cole. We were just talking abo-"

"I know what you were talking about," I interrupted her.

"Cole, why didn't you tell us?" Chance questioned.

"I knew something was wrong," Skyler chimed in.

"So you knew this guy?" Stella inquired.

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"How? He doesn't seem like someone you would come across out of nowhere. I mean, he wasn't even from around here. Plus, he's so much older than you," Chance added.

Amy looked over at me and said, "You want me to tell them or-"

"I'm surprised you haven't already," I growled.

"Down boy. You know it's not good to keep that shit bottled up. These are all of your friends and they care about you. Plus, they would find out eventually," Amy retorted.

As much as I hated to admit it. She was right.

"Fine. I met him when I was with Trixie. It was around the time that she and I were hanging a bunch, smoking and drinking and sneaking into clubs in Boston," I confessed.

Everyone looked at me confused. I guess that wasn't something that I had shared with anybody. My life with Trixie wasn't exactly something that I was proud of. She brought out the worst in me. I couldn't completely blame her. In fact, I didn't really stop her. I let myself be the worst. Luckily, she could never do that again due to certain circumstances. That--on the other hand-- was something that nobody needed to know anytime soon.

"Wow, Cole. You're more hardcore than I thought," Stella chuckled.

"Speaking of Trixie, I hadn't really seen her in a while," Skyler stated. Amy and I looked at each other. Chance gave us a quick glance. He didn't know the full truth. He just thought she was missing and we needed to keep it that way.

"Who cares? The whore probably got bored and went back home to bitch-ass California," Stella said, rolling her eyes.

"I thought you two were starting to become friends," Amy teased.

Keep Holding On [Final Book of the Wanted Is Love trilogy]Where stories live. Discover now