Chapter 24

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It was a bright and beautiful day. Most days were. People would think that Massachusetts didn't get much sun in October, but it did. It wasn't hot, but it wasn't freezing. It was just perfect. Everything in my life was perfect at the moment.

I looked over to see the most beautiful boy ever. The sun shone through the window and onto his green eyes. Near blinding him I bet, but it was nice to look at from my spot. His eyes met mine and I was lost, captured in his gaze.

Our hands found their way to each other too. Fingers intertwined, we continued our staring match. Who would blink first? Who would break? Why were we even doing this in the first place? Were we that bored? Whatever the answer, I wasn't losing.

This went on for longer than it should have. He eventually blinked, meaning that I was the victor. I figured he just did it to end the madness. We could find something way more interesting to do with our afternoon. 

What if I didn't want to do anything else? What if I was content here? What if I wanted to just stay here and lie with him in his bed all day? Fully clothed, don't worry. It was strictly just laying. We weren't quite at that point in our relationship. Let's just say we weren't ready. Well, I wasn't.

I looked over at him again. He was resting his eyes. His breathing slow and heavy. I continued to watch him. It wasn't creepy. I could watch him while he was sleeping, right? I was his boyfriend after all.

Boyfriend. That was my new favorite word. I couldn't stop using it. It felt like I brought it up in every conversation. I understood why people were annoyed with people who were in relationships. We were annoying.

But having a boyfriend was amazing. I had someone to call my own. Someone who was always there for me no matter what. He was on my side in all situations and we could fight about the tiniest thing and it wouldn't affect us. We would just make up. And the make up part was the best part. Let's just say that make up and make out sound very similar for a reason.


He finally opened his eyes and noticed my staring. I quickly looked away. I couldn't let him know that I was watching him while he was resting. That was creepy.

I felt his hand on my leg. Our eyes were focused on each other. His hand started making its way up. I didn't break my gaze, but I wanted to know what his hand was up to.

He smiled at me. Well, that was it. I lost. Whenever he flashed that incredible smile at me, I was putty in his hands. What was it that made me so weak? Was it his perfect teeth? Was it his amazing lips? I admit, they were fantastic to kiss.

Alec was just perfect. That was it. There was nothing more to it. I had hit the boyfriend jackpot. Sure, a lot of people say that. But for me, it's true. And a lot of people say that as well. Ah, never mind.

His hand continued its journey around my body. It was onto my back now. Then it redirected. It was making its way down and was soon to be close to my butt. Once it reached its target, there was a bit of a squeeze. I let out a tiny squeal. 

He chuckled. I could tell I was blushing. I tried hiding my face with a pillow. He didn't seem to care. His hand resumed its activity. I wasn't in any position to stop him.

Out of nowhere, my phone started to ring. It frightened both of us. We separated immediately, causing Alec to fall off the bed. I tried not to bust out laughing, but he did thus allowing me to do the same. 

I crawled over to the other side of the bed and extended my hand. Alec grabbed it and I helped him up. Alec adjusted his positioning on the bed, giving me some room to get close to him. He put his arm around me. Our feet pushed up against each other. I felt his dorky tube socks. Then I remembered my phone was ringing.

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