Chapter 13

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"Huh, come again? Tell me what?" I interrogated, honestly super lost.

"We can't do it here. We need to go some place quieter," Natalia said, looking around frantically.

"Natalia, you're not answering me. Tell me what? What do you need to tell me?" I pressed on. She ignored me then grabbed my arm, dragging me down the hall. In her other hand was her cellphone. She held it up to her head, waiting.

"Hey, yeah. Bring the limo around front," she whispered, then hung up the phone.

We exited the hall and made our way to the front of the school. She continued to search around, probably for witnesses. I was still confused. What was going? What were we doing here? And what was she about to tell me?

A few seconds later, a white limo pulled up in front of us. "I thought you drove to school?" I questioned, picturing her admittedly nice car.

"I do, but I'm also rich. All rich people have limos."

"They do?"

"Eh, I don't know. But they should."

"Wait, why do we need your limo?"

"So we can talk."

"Are you telling me you had your driver sitting in the parking lot all day waiting for us to have this conversation?" I inquired. Before she could respond, I had a thought. "Wait, how did you know we would have this conversation?"

"Cole, this has been a long time coming. I invited you to be a part of the Prom committee so that we would eventually be able to discuss this," she muttered. "And no, he hasn't been here all day. I've had him wait in the parking lot everyday this week during lunch because I didn't know when you would be ready."

"Ready?" I repeated.

"Yes, Cole. This is going to be a lot take in," she stated, walking over to the limo. The driver came out and opened the door. She went inside. I stood out in the open for another second. She extended her hand, beckoning for me to come in. "Are you ready?"

I let out a deep sigh and entered the limo. The driver closed the door behind me, as if he was sealing the deal. I was scared for a second, then my ears were blessed. Lana Del Rey could be heard throughout the vehicle.

"How did you know?" I gasped.

"I mean, it's been a while since we were friends, but I know your taste in music," she added. "I can't say I understand it, though. What is it that you like about her? She sounds monotonous and bored."

"Don't insult a queen!" I defended. She laughed. The limo started moving. "Whoa, where are you taking me?"

"Relax, dude. I'm just having Alfred drive us in circles around the parking lot."

"Isn't Alfred the name of Batman's butler?" I asked, using my limited knowledge of superheroes.

"No relation," she retorted. "Now, onto what's really important."

I let out another deep sigh. She reached to the side of her seat and pulled out a folder. It looked quite full. What could this mean? There was a folder full of things to tell me. This was serious.

"Is all of that the information you are going to share with me?" I queried.

"No, these are my book reports and essays due next period. AP English is killing me. I was just making sure I had everything done first," Natalia replied, looking through the folder. She set it down after a few seconds and pulled out another one. It was much bigger than the first. "This folder is for you."

Keep Holding On [Final Book of the Wanted Is Love trilogy]Where stories live. Discover now