
607 17 1

Question: Lord First, what were your thoughts/feelings while going against Madara in battle for the first time??


Answer: I didn't like fighting Madara, he was my childhood friend and even today, I still consider him to be such. I only fought Madara for the safety of Konoha. You can imagine the pain I had to go through while fighting him...he's a worthy opponent and respectably so...the entire time while battling with him, the only thing I could think about was how much I wished everything could've been different. I just hope that one day this cycle of hatred can be ended by that one shining light, a true believer of the Will of Fire. *rubs temples in extreme thought* I always knew that it would happen eventually, but I just wish that it could've been prevented in some way.

[ *sighs* just had to go and make me all depressed, Hashi-sama. Thanks a lot.. ]

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