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Question: How did you get the courage to tell Mito how you felt about her?


Answer: I have more courage going into battle than that of asking a woman to be with me.. *sweat drops*

But, I suppose I could tell you of my first meeting with her, no?

I was twenty-six, a man of high stature, I had just become the Hokage of Konoha. Mito was still a citizen of Uzushiogakure (Land of Whirlpools) and I hadn't exactly met her, but I was headed there to get a host for the Kyuubi. It just so happened that she had a chakra capable of sustaining and keeping the Nine-Tails sealed, so as an alliance with distant relatives, they sent her to Konoha.

When she first entered the gates, I couldn't help but stare in complete awe at her elegance and beauty. Her hair was tied securely in two buns on either side of her head and her eyes were delicately closed as if nothing in the world could disturb them.

*blushes lightly* She happened to open her eyes and what I saw made her all the more beautiful; violet eyes that held years of wisdom and a soft being within them.

She caught me staring at her, but her eyes only lingered for a moment before they closed once more.

They had brought her to the Hokage's tower, straight to my office; that's where I first officially met her. When she walked in, I rushed to my feet, but when I did...I tripped over some books and fell face first to the ground. I have never been so embarrassed in my entire life, but I smiled to myself when I heard a light giggle escape her lips.

I quickly stood to my feet and bowed to her. I greeted myself with pride, "I'm Hashirama," I said with a small smile.

Her face was stern yet her voice was gentle when she spoke, "Stand Hashirama, it's dishonorable for a man such as yourself to bow. I am Mito Uzumaki." I knew as soon as she introduced herself that she was definitely unlike any other woman, I just had to get to know her.

[Admin: Sounds like a snooty bitch to m- *Hashirama glares at her*] Don't you dare call her that..ever again in my presence or else I will be forced to use the Mokuton dragon on you.

[Admin: *sweat drops* Sorry, Hashi-sama]

*Nods* Now as I was saying..

"My apologizes." I replied timidly, my legs felt like they were going to give out before my heart would. You see, I and Mito, were arranged into a marriage, so there really wasn't much for me to ask her about, but I still had to get to know her, so don't think it was just an instant love at first sight, I earned her love and she earned mine.

*smiles softly and nods* I hope that gave you an idea of how it all happened.

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