
460 19 4

Question: What was the funniest thing that has happened to you?


Answer: *rubs temples in thought* Hm...that's a toughie, I've had so many funny moments in my life, it's just so hard to pick on-

*snaps fingers in remembrance of one particular moment* AH-HA! I've got it! *he shouts* It was when I was teaching my granddaughter, Tsunade to gamble.. *trails off into the memory and begins laughing to himself*

[Admin: *sweat drops and pokes him in the cheek* Rama-sama; answer their question...don't just keep it to yourself. *places hands back on lap and closes eyes*]

*clears throat and nods* You're right, my apologizes...

Tsunade had just turned four a few days prior and was becoming quite the sassy little lady, if I do say so myself. She came to me and demanded I go outside to play with her...I shook my head in decline and stretched my arm behind my back, grabbing hold of the box, I pulled it back around for her to see.

"Not today, Tsunade.." I began, her large caramel eyes glared daggers through me; she never took kindly to me turning down her requests. Before she could reprimand, I opened the box to reveal some "play cards." Gesturing my eyes down at them, she stared unsurely at them, so I shuffled them and told her to sit down in front of me, and she did so.

"What're those," she questioned with a tilted head and scrunched up nose. Laughing, I explained what they were for and what we were going to do, all the while, she nodded; though I knew she didn't fully understand, I taught her anyways.

"...I...I don't believe it..." I gasped in disbelief as she cleaned the plate that held my money. She snickered evilly, but before I knew what was going on...Mito broke down the door to my room and glanced down to Tsunade, "HASHIRAMA SENJU!" she shouted, leaping towards me, she slammed me face first to the wooden floor.

(Personally, I'm not sure where all her anger came from...) *sweat drops*

"Don't you dare give her your damned habit!" She scowled, pulling back my head by my hair, she flared her nostrils and her violet eyes were now flaming with rage at me.

"Too late, Grandmother Mito!" Tsunade laughed deviously and scampered out of the room, taking all of my money with her...

*laughs again* I let her win!

[Admin: *sweat drops and peers over at him* You're so lame..]

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