My opposite mirror

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(Warning, this chapter might be confusing if you haven't watched Object Oppose, and for the people who has seen it. This still might be confusing. So Yang of Yin-Yang will be Yang 1, and Yang of Taoism/Ying-Yang will be Yang 2)

Yin-Yang keep around some streets and roads, knowing just one person/objects that will take them in their house.

Yin: *rings the doorbell*

Yang: *knocks on the door*

Taoism's POV
(From Object Opposes)
*answers the door* Hey Taoism! Yin said. "Whow Yin-Yang, we haven't seen you in years!" Ying said. *let's Yin-Yang inside*

Oh man, it's years since we've seen Yin-Yang, their our cousins. Allow us to Interactive ourselves, our name is Taoism, but we go by Ying-Yang, it's easier for people/objects to conversate with. We're like Yin-Yang, but the color is different, me and Yang still fight, and it's there are rare times that me and agree on something.

Ying: Man Yin-Yang, it's been years since we've hung out!

Yang 2: where have you guys been?

Yin: Oh,

Yang 1: we just come and visit

Ying: Oh, well, perfect! Because we will have dinner soon.

Yin: That's great!

Yang1&Yang2: Whatever

Yin&Ying: Haha

Ying: Well it's about time you guys visited us!

Yin: heh, we've just been busy

Yang 2: *smirks* with what, school?

Yang's POV

Yep, That's Taoism for you, their just the same as Yin and I remembered. They like us but they are different from us, we hang out all the time as kids, but this is first time we visit in 7 years.


Typical Yin-Yang, always have to be secretive, just like us, but whatever, we glad they see us after a decade! "So why you want visit us?" Ying asked. "Well we just want see you guys!" "Really?" Yang2 said. *Yang1 nods*

Ying: Well, great! We can talk.

Yang 2: Or watch TV!

Ying: Or we can play outside.

Yang 2: Or eat!

Ying: Yang, we already cooking, and it's only 5:43 pm. You can wait.

Yang 2: Shut up, I'll do what I want!

Yin-Yang: *chuckls*

Ying: You already do that, aren't you glad to see Yin-Yang?

Yin-Yang: Guys! It's fine!

Ying: woops sorry Yin-Yang.😅

Yang1: it's fine Taoism.

Yin: Oh hey, it's

Yang1: *face palm*

Yang2: *groans* it's been dinner time!

Yin-Yang: ...

*later while eating dinner*

Yin: mmmm * chewing sounds* Taoism, this turkey so is good!

Ying: Thanks, but actually it's teriyaki chicken.

Yang: Yeah, it's good I guess...

Ying-Yang: .........

Yin-Yang: um...what?

Yang2: We know you guys not just come and visit, we know you too much!

Ying: Why do you not you guys really come here, you our cousins.

Yang2: Just tell why you visit us...

Yin-Yang: .......uh..😓

You guys know about that warning sign I gave to you guys, well turns out the hacker only hacked some of our comments, and those people just happened to be me and some of my followers😐 yeah, the hacker is gone, "I think " I and so sorry for overreacting!😅 It was still pretty bad though.

Okay Bye!❤😄

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