Trophy's Death

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Yin's POV

We went back inside and just sat down for a few minutes then all the light went back on. With the things that's happened, I never realized it being dark. Well, at least things finely settled down, hopefully it will stay that way for the night. Besides, it feels really good having Soap around.

Yang's POV

Why does Soap keep being right next to us? More importantly, why is she here? It's just weird but....... like it? I don't know why I feel this when she is around, it makes me feel... strange.

Taoism then breaks the silence by turning on the TV and sees an important news report.

Newscast: There has been a breakout earlier today by what is known as five teenagers by the names Mallet Breaker, Wrench Metal, Chainsaw Loud, Screwdriver Bolt, Trophy Gold. As broken out of a military school.

Soap: WHAT?!

Newscaster: Although the power was out at the time, only a quick but clear video of what happened.


Newscast: It seems the teenagers have sunk deep into mud as they tried to leave, although there were movements in the afterwards, they have never seemed to come back out. The bodies have not been found and at this there's nowhere else to look. I'm sorry to say but these five teenagers, are claimed to be dead.

Soap: Trophy's......dead?

Yin: Oh my...

Soap's POV

I knew Trophy was bad..... but no one deserves this.. I-I feel so bad, I feel like this is ALL my fault.......... and it is. Is it? Trophy seemed so sweet and a little cute before... but, I don't know, was that just his way in getting me to be his girlfriend? Was all that just a game to him? If it was, then I don't see why he hates Yin-Yang just because "I" lost interest and wouldn't let him toy with my emotions anymore? No. None of what I or anyone else did anything that affected his choices. I know it's not my fault, it's nobody's I bet, although I can't help to feel a little guilty of is death, but, maybe things won't be so bad? I don't know about the tullother four, I guess... I'm not sure how to feel anymore.


Soap: huh?

Yin-Yang: *phone* hello?

Tune: Yin-Yang, where are you

Yin: Tune? (From Object Mayhem)

Yang: Tune??

Tune: Where were you for the past month?!

Yin: Wel, we were in the hospital and-

Tune: WHAT?!

Yang: Tune, calm down😑

Tune: I've been worried sick, why haven't you called?!

Yin: We're sorry

Tune: How come I didn't know this sooner? I've been calling, and calling-

Yang: Jeez Tune we're fine

Tune: *sighs* Okay

Yin: Tune, didn't you see the news?

Tune: No?

Yang: Oh, Trophy might be dead


Tune: What?! ....that's awful...

BGB: It is...

By the way, there still will be an actual chapter of "fragile trust part 2" I promise. Also, I know my updates have been slowing down even more, but again I'm doing as much as possible.

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