A Stonger Bond

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Yin: Um? Yang?

Yang: ....

Yin: Yang

Yang: ....

Yin: *flicks Yang a couple times*

Yang: wha- huh?

Yin: Yang..... what is wrong....... tell me, please

Yang: .....

Soap: Yin-Yang...?

Yin-Yang Yang: *looks up and sees Soap*

Soap: What was all that about?

Yin: it's a long story

Soap: Well, I'll be here for a while, plus I came to see you anyway

Yin: *blush a little* You.. you did?

Soap: *nods* also, I'm worried about Yang, is something wrong with him?

Yin: I don't know, he won't speak

Yang: *looks at Soap* .....

Yin: Where is everyone?

Soap: They all left the room while you two were deep thought

Yang: *sighs quietly*

Yin: Oh... *looks down*

Soap: Well, why not go somewhere more alone

Yin: Well, we can go in the backyard

Soap: Okay

(With Lotion&BGB)

Lotion's POV

I felt like I was being a third weel or something, so I left the room and closed a door and put my ear on the door listening to what was happening. "Oh snap" I said very excited. What? You can't get drama this good in real life, this is an amazing one in a lifetime.

But wait a minute? Is someone yelling? I heard a door or something, and I kinda hear crying now. I take my head off the door for a second to find a cup so I can hear what's happening better. But before I can, someone I might of seen before came running in this room crying.

Lotion: Hey I know you, I think

BGB: *crying*

Lotion: hey, what happened?

BGB: My son's is hate me!!😭

Lotion: he's probably just frustrated and confused *close the door*

BGB: *sniff*😢

Lotion: Look, I know we don't know each other personally, but I'm sure they don't hate you

BGB: B-but h-e seemss really, *sniff* upset

Lotion: Just give him time to cool off then talk with them

BGB: *sniff* Oh, okay... *smiles a little*

Lotion: Sometimes else I your mind? *pokes her side belly*

BGB: *giggles then stops* well, I kind of left my husband so Yin-Yang be more safe

Lotion: So some of you were both in the wrong

BGB: I guess so...

BGB: Yin even doesn't want to live with me anymore

Lotion: like I said, she's probably just not sure what to do yet

BGB: My Yinny is a boy

Lotion: .....I had no idea Yin was a boy

BGB: "Is" a boy

Lotion: Okay so I don't know EVERYTHING😏 *pokes her side again*


Lotion: *tickles her*

BGB: heheh hahahaha uuuhh~ okay stop haha

Lotion: You can't stop the machine once it's one, it needs more lagph tickles

BGB: hahahehehehe no X3

Lotion: Yes >:3

Lotion: *stops* feel better?

BGB: *nods* yes, thank you... uhh?

Lotion: Lotion is my name

BGB: Black Gray Ball🙂

Lotion: nice to meat you

(With Soap&Yin-Yang)

Yin: So, is your mom always this way?

Soap: only sometimes, when something interesting happens

Yin: Oh, okay

Soap: Why isn't Yang speaking?

Yin: He not good having with talk to people

Soap: Yang?

Yang: ....

Yin: He still is in bad mood

Soap: Oh, by the way, you left this *gives them the computer*

Yin-Yang: how you know of this?

Soap: it was under the hospital bed

Soap: I thought you might want it back

Yin: Oh, thank you

Yang: .....you not read it, right?

Soap: well, I just thought you might want it back

Yang: *frowns*

Soap: Yang?

Yin: What is it, Yang?

Yang: It's nothing...

Soap: Really?

Yin: Are you sure?

Yang: *slowly nods*

Yin: uuh? Thank you for bringing us but our laptop, Soap

Soap: Your welcome :)

Everything started get quite with the two when Soap started to scoot close and closer to Yin-Yang as they stated looking at everything except each other. Neither of them to find anything to break the awkward silence.

Soap: ....

Yin-Yang: .....

Taoism: *comes out with them*

Yin: huh? Ying-Yang, where were you?

Ying: We are just go to our room

Yang2: Everything is calm now

Soap: what happened?

Yang1: um... just an agreement, don't worry about it Soap

Soap's POV

That's the first time ever he is calm and say my name, maybe he's just..... tired. Yeah. I'm trying to think of a reason why he's like this without assuming he likes me. No, I don't want to that who falls in love with anyone who SEEMS like a nice guy, I already learned that lesson. I shake my head as if I was lost in space but I wasn't, I was more focused tan ever. I stood off the bench and I realized it a little dirty... but, it surprisingly didn't bother me, even when some was on my thigh. Then Yin-Yang and Taoism asked me. "Are you coming Soap?" I'm sure I smiled sweetly and I followed them back inside as I cleaned off my leg. It even surprised me that I wasn't afraid this time, I wasn't scared of the dirt even when some was on me. Just then, I realized that Yin-Yang as become a close friend, a friend who helped me get over my fear, my flaw, and my insecurities, by just being right by my side

I know this probably wasn't worth waiting five days for, but I'm making as much time as I have as possible. Anyway I hope you guys liked it.

SoapXYin-Yang Where stories live. Discover now