Chapter 1

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"Oh shit," Maria groaned when she saw the clock on the dresser. It was eight o'clock. She is now officially late on her first day of work. Frantically, she shot out of bed and threw on a pair of slack and blue blouse. Her mom called out from somewhere in the house, "Mariaaaa! Are you awake yet? Your alarm been going off like crazy earlier!"

"Yah!" She responded annoyed. Why is her mom just asking that now? Why couldn't she asked the question an hour earlier, when the alarm was beeping like crazy? More annoyed than earlier, she ran into the bathroom and yelled, "Why didn't you wake me up earlier? I'm late!"

She glanced at the bathroom mirror. Yep, definitely the face of someone recovering from partying too hard the night before. She did a quick breathe test and breathe against the palm of her hand and sniff with her nose. She made a gagging sound as she got a whiff nasty morning breathe, mixed with some throw-ups. Those shots didn't do her any favors this morning. On a scale of 1 to 10, she failed miserably with an 11. Definitely have to make time to brush my teeth, she thought and grabbed the toothbrush. She also needed a shower, but have to settled for a body spray instead.

"Come have breakfast," Her mom called again.

"I'm late, remember? You didn't wake me up," She complained and grabbed her purse on her way out. She groaned as she remembered she needed her phone and turned around towards her room. When it wasn't in her usual spot, the dresser, a chill of uneasiness came over her body as as she frantically tried to recall where she last placed it. The phone wasn't cheap and she just upgraded. Trying to retraced her steps from the night before, she muttered out loud, "House, bar, another bar, maybe a club, then back to bar...last night was a blurred." She couldn't remember.

"Mariaaa!" Her mom called out again.

"What? I don't got time! I need to find my phone! I lost it ... " She responded. As each second passed she felt backed into a corner, she needed to find her phone. Maybe it was hidden between her covers. She shook the blanket off the bed. Nothing. She looked on the bed. Nothing. She threw off her pillows. Nothing. She kneeled down to looked underneath the bed. Everything, but the phone. Damn it! I don't have time for this.

Giving up, she rushed out of her room and almost made it through the front door when her mom called out her name again. She turned around and her mom was now in the kitchen doorway looking at a phone with a sparkling pink case. It was her mother's. Maria would feel too embarrassed to be seen with a flashy cover like her mom's.

"A Mr. Smooth texted and said he got your phone," She looked up.

"Who's that?" Maria stopped. Like a sixth sense kicking in, she felt the name sounded familiar, however, she couldn't quite place her fingers on it.

"Don't worry, he say he'll drop it off for you or you can pick it up. Come have breakfast. You're not late."

"What are you talking about? Of course I'm late. I can't talk now."

"Maria, eat breakfast. I made it especially for you since it's your first day."

"Mom, I can't. If only you woken me up sooner. I gotta go!"

Maria dashed out to the car. It wasn't until halfway to work, two things suddenly hit her. One, she wasn't late since her start time is actually nine and not eight. Damn! Two, she remembered who Mr. Smooth is. A cold chill came over her. She vaguely recalled he had a business card with the title CEO and the name of her new workplace. Double damn! Oh yeah, those shots were definitely not doing her any favor today. How is she going to face her new boss now?

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