Eleven: Magnus

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Now that it's my turn to write, I'm sure you're probably wondering what I thought of the whole ordeal. You already know that I saw her, which is pretty unbelievable, considering how many people were packed into the square that morning. But what has gone unsaid is that I catch on to the moment and hold on with all my might, until the cameras turn on, she vanishes, and I lose her for half a second...that is, until I see her waving at me, and struggle to keep my cool. I blow through the speech as fast as I can, distractedly tracking her as she floats back to her sister (naturally) and they start to leave, before I finish, which almost stings a little. Almost.

. . .

I honestly don't know what drew me to that canyon on the spring morning that I met her on the island, but something did. I was just out for a short walk, a knapsack over my shoulder. It was a warm day, and the shadows of the canyon offered some shade. Maybe that's why I went there, by my nemesis Nicole's house, just to cool off. I don't know. I don't think I will ever know the legitimate reason.

I stopped for a bit and was surprised to hear footsteps coming my way. Here, a girl had come out of the house, barefoot and small, looking so much like Nicole that I had to do a double take. But it wasn't, and by the look on her face, Nicole hadn't influenced her at all on me yet.

"Hi," she stammered shakily. I can't say that I was instantly taken with her. She was short, probably about 5'4" or 5'5", with a dull mane of curly brown hair that tumbled to about her waist. This girl was slender, and had thoughtful earthy green eyes and tanish skin. I knew right away that this girl and Nicole had to be related, even though I can't say they looked identical, just similar.

Even though I had just met her, just heard her first word, an incredible sense of safety washed over me. Quickly, I figured out why: she reminded me of the island, gentle and serene and naturally so. And that made me feel safe, because it was this island that took me in when I was in need, rather than the cold artificialness of the city where I had lived longer.

After that I found out her name--it was Talia. And after that modest introduction, even though I thought that after that day I would probably only see her in passing, maybe at the Center, if ever, a friendship evolved. She just kept...appearing, in a way that even I couldn't explain. I confided in her things I had only told a few, about my plan to oust my father from his presidency, and help our broken nation get put together again. I had this anger inside of me, anger at being sent away, because rather than his son I was seen as a threat. And to add further insult, Arina, my only sibling and best friend in our house, was left behind--because I was apparently a threat and, because she somehow managed to love our father, she wasn't.

I told her all these things, but at the same point her alliance with Nicole was growing. Nicole spread vicious lies to her about me and everyone else on the island. I can't even explain why...her and I arrived there on the same boat, at the same time, so we should've been friends, in theory, instead of Talia and me.

There came a time in the fall when I started to realize that me and Talia's relationship was more than one of friendship. I planned to tell her. But on the day that I was going to, she ran to my house in the middle of the night to warn me that Nicole was planning to turn her and I against each other. She told me to run.

But I refused, because I didn't know where to go. Nicole was one of those people that knew everyone and had contacts virtually everywhere, so, in other words, if she wanted to find me she would, and fast. And besides that I...couldn't leave her behind, even if it meant the destruction of our relationship.

So I stayed. It was foolish, I know. Absolutely and completely. And besides the fact, it was what destroyed everything. Talia and I fought. It was ugly and stupid and pointless. She got hurt, and it was my fault. And because I was immature and confused, both about what had happened and what I felt for her, I didn't own up to what I had done. I fled, and that was how I ended up in this hell.

The Ravaged World (Book 2 of the Exiles Series)Where stories live. Discover now