Twenty-Five: Magnus

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Even though it is early, the mess hall in the center of the complex is already packed with rebels. They crowd around long tables, gossiping, laughing, and eating food that is hastily being brought in shallow foilware dishes from the kitchens. The room is loud, filled with the clinks of silverware against metal and loud, echoing voices. The whole scene is so familiar, reminding me of the Center, our island gathering place, that on entrance I truly believe that that's where I am. I haven't felt this at home in ages. I've forgotten how much I miss it.

I spy Max sitting at the center table, Nicole sitting on one side, a red-haired girl that I recognize from the invasion across from both of them, and a few other people that I don't recognize filling in the extra spaces--all except two, which I guess are reserved for Talia and me. Everyone at the table collectively looks up as I approach and I settle into the seat near the red-haired girl, who nods cordially at me.

"Hey," I greet, though it comes out as more of a grumble, all business now despite what happened a few minutes ago in Talia's quarters.

The table is silent, but it's not the uncomfortable kind--it's the kind of silence where there are no words that can be said, where nothing can describe the experiences that we all lived through together. I try to embrace it, try to ensure myself that it'll pass, that someone will say something, before realizing that that person is me.

"So," I begin, just as someone sets a steaming plate of food in front of me, "last night was--" I clear my throat, searching for the right word. "--interesting." There are only a few sighs in reaction.

Nicole's sharp eyes narrow onto mine. "How's Talia?" she asks. I blush at her name.

"She's good, I just came back from there a few minutes ago," I tell Nicole, knowing that she's jealous from the moment I say the words, her mind informing her that I got to see Talia before she, Talia's sister, mentor, and friend, did.

Nicole nods brusquely and suddenly stands up, food in hand, and turns to leave. "Hey, Fox, do you want to see Talia with me?" Nicole asks the redheaded girl. Fox nods mutely and stands up, not daring to make eye contact with me.

Max and I sit alone.

"Aren't you going to go with Nicole?" I ask, once the girls are out of earshot.

Max shakes his head and smiles as he shovels in a bite of food. "Wasn't planning on it," he replies. "I'm not getting into the middle of that...well, whatever that is. I'm guessing something happened between you and her on the island--well, more than I've heard, at least." I expect to see some flicker of hurt wash over Max's face, but instead he gives me an indifferent look and keeps eating.

"Yeah, more than I've told anyone," I say, "but it's not important. She just thinks it is."

"Girls, am I right?" Max chuckles, contentedly leaning back on the cafeteria-style bench and folding his hands behind his head like he's sitting in an easy chair. I laugh and nod in agreement, an image of Avalon instantly appearing in my head but vanishing just as quickly. Well, the image anyway--not the memory of it.

Max's face falls, noticing my sudden change in expression. "What's wrong?" he asks, removing his arms from behind his head and leaning towards the table.

"She knows, Max," I tell him, an edge of desperation creeping into my voice. When I see a look of confusion pass over his face, I explain, "Avalon. She knew about our plans the whole time. She was tracking our every move. She knew about the rebels, and the invasion plans, she even knows about the island. But she didn't stop us because she thought it was...entertaining. She wanted the plan to run its course just so she can track us down and have an excuse to kill me. And I know it's not just me she wants to kill--I mean, she already killed Arina, so who's to say that she won't kill more?"

The Ravaged World (Book 2 of the Exiles Series)Where stories live. Discover now