Ch. 5: A Fight and A Blackout

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     "Come on! Just tell us who's fighting first!" Libby said. Tyler had been 'calculating' which of us would fight the other and it seemed like he was taking forever. Meghan and Justin sat with Kym and Stephan on and near a large boulder. Me and Jeremy talked with Raven and Kris about random things and Kirsten and Adam were arguing once again. Those two are a story for another time.

     "Oh, about five minutes after you QUIT ASKING ME THAT!" Tyler shouted. Libby just giggled and the rest of us held in laughter. "Ok, I've finally figured out the first fighters." he said, sighing.

     "Well? Who?" we all asked.

     "Justin and Meghan." was all he said. He threw his notebook onto one of the rocks, crashed onto the ground and tried to nap. That was his job, other than annoying the crap out of Kym and the rest of us.

     Justin's eyes opened wide and he grinned. He stood up. "What? But, it won't be very fair for her. I'll try and go easy on her." he said in a joking voice. "You might as well give up, girlie. I don't wanna hurt you and all." he said.

     Meghan perked up from the rock she perched on. "Oh, is that it? Let's see what you think you can do., dear boyfriend of mine. That is, if you can do anything at all. Challenge accepted."

     Once they go to the field, Tyler signaled them to transform.

     A light shot off Meghan as she shifted to her black panther form. her red-brown hair darkened to midnight black and her body grew. Her eyes faded to a deep purple, and her teeth sharpened to a point. Her muscles became thick, showing off the beast inside her. It was quite fascinating. The light blared one last time as an giant, overgrown black panther stood where Meghan once was.

     Justin let out an ear-peircing howl as he took on the werewolf inside him. His body grew, and his height multiplied. His eyes became a vibrant green. Brown hair covered his face arms and chest. His fangs sharpened and his nail became as claws.

      Once both of them had changed and were ready, Tyler gave the simple instruction to "Fight!"

     Justin and Meghan ran at each other with victory in mind. Justin took the first swipe, grazing Meghan's shoulder. She fought back with a bite at his now extended arm. He fought her off of him and decided to bite as well, which got her back. She proceeded to swipe at him and got his other arm. He staggered back, with both arms attacked. She took this oppertunity to fight with one last bite. Justin feel to the ground, shocked that his girlfriend took him down. He knew he had underestimated her skills on the field. She stood over him as she looked into his eyes. He knew she won. He gave his girlfriend an approving smile and accepted defeat, for now.

     We cheered as the players returned to the watch area, changed back to normal, and had each been given a new set of clothes, crafted by the sorcerer himself, Stephan. I was about to congradulate Meghan when a high-pitched scream wailed through my eyes. It was like glass shattering on a blackboard. I held my ears and let out a cry of pain. I was the only one hearing it. I couldn't deafen the noise. I dropped to my knees and Jeremy ran over to me, clutching my shoulders. He was saying something I couldn't make out. The scream became louder, and louder, and louder. My vision was being to blur. A headache was forming fast. I couldn't hold on to consciousness any longer. I blacked out

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