Ch. 18: About To Meet Her

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     "Hey! Jacey! Wake up!" I jolted my head up from the desk to see Jeremy staring at me, just inches away from my face. His eyes looked greenish-brown this time.

     "Woah! Too close!" I said and shoved his face away from mine.

     "I'd beg to differ, but oh well. It's about time you got up. School's over, and the last bell just rang. Why are you so tired anyways?" he asked.

     "Just didn't get much sleep last night. I was too busy thinking." I said, and started packing my stuff together. It was Wednesday, so I'd be heading to my grandparents' for the night. "Why are you still here? I thought you had wrestling today." I asked.

     "Nope, not today. Just hanging around here." he said. He smiled, then proceeded to grab my laptop and flee from the room.

     "Really?" I yelled down the hall at him. I set my bag down in the hallway by the door and chased after him. He ran past the doors to the commons and out the side door towards the fieldhouse. I'm not fast, especially when chasng a vampire like him. I could beat him at swimming, but duh. He kicked my tail at running. Why? Why must he run?

     "Come on, Princess! You can catch up, can't you?" he yelled from behind him, as he ran backwards facing me.

     I slowed down and called to him. "Oh come on! First you steal my laptop, then call me 'Princess'? Is there anything else you'd like to add to this? Actually, don't answer that."

     Jeremy had slowed to a stop and waited till I walked up to him. He stood on a concrete path that led to the field and fieldhouse. He gently set the laptop on a bench and held his hand out to me. I took it and he pulled me towards him. Sometimes he was a complete nutcase, and then he turns around and does something sweet.

     It didn't take long before my impatience kicked in. I kissed him. Kissing someone is one thing, but come back and talk to me when you've kissed a vampire that's in love with you. Yea, didn't think so.

     "Happy now?" I asked.

     "Yes." he said, and smiled.

     "Can I have my laptop back now?"

     "No!" Then he reached for my laptop again, and ran back inside.

     "Again?! Are you serious?" I yelled. I ran, or walked, back inside to, once again, try and retrieve that stupid computer.

     The rest of the day was just him running around and acting the way he did. I didn't mind it, in fact I loved it. He's so hyper and energetic. It fun being with someone like that. You never get bored. He gave my computer back at some point but it took for-freakin'-ever! After that, we sat on the floor by my bag and talked.

     My phone went off, and buzzed in my back pocket. I reached for it and I saw Meghan's picture lit up on the screen. I answered.

     "Hey, what's new?" I asked.

     "Hey, we need you, there's someone here you'd wanna meet." she said.

     "Who?" I asked.

     "You'll know when you get here, so hurry and head to the practice field." she said. "Hey, got to go, lates" she finished.

     "K, later" I said.

     I hung up my end of the phone and looked at Jeremy. "Meghan wants us to meet up with us down at the field." I said.

     "Why?" he asked.

     "She says there's someone we might want to meet, and I'm kinda curious." I said.

     "You're always curious." he said and smiled at me. He kissed me again, then stood up and offered his hand to me.

     "No, I can do it myself." I said, smiling.

     "Fine, then." the he tickled both my sides, causing me to fall.

     "Really?" I asked.

     "Yes" he smiled, and began laughing. I haven't heard him laugh like that in a long time.

     We got into his car after throwing our things in the backseat. He drove us past the traffic and outside town to the field and parked the car outside the field.

     I saw my group. One, Two, Three, Four........Five? That must be the person Cassie was talking about.

     It was her....... Wow.....

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