Ch. 7: Explanations

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     "Are you ok?"  "Are you hurt?"  "What happened?" Everyone threw questions in all directions. I almost couldn't keep up with them. "Yes, I'm ok, Yes I'm hurt just a little, and Just give me a minute." I said.

     "Omg, come one. What happened? You scream out of nowhere then faint!" Stephan said. His face was flushed red. He must have been yelling hard. I remember someone yelling to an unknown target. Maybe it was the cause of my faint.

     "Yea, we were worried sick." Kym said. She sounded like my mother. She might as well be one, 'cause she sure does act like one.

     "What happened while I was out?" I asked. I wanted to know what I missed before I did any explaining.

     "Someone was spying on us. The Aborias went out to find them. We went insane after you blacked, and after several minutes of panic, the Aborias started getting level-headed. They told us to stay here and take care of you while they searched." Jeremy answered. He wouldn't let me go, and I didn't stop him. I was cold. I soon found out why.

     The fear I had gotten when I couldn't feel my legs? Yea, well, it turns out the noise had triggered my ability. Wait, I was out in the middle of the field with my tail exposed?!  Holy CRAP!!!

     Jeremy must have noticed my change in mood, cause he answered exactly what I was thinking.

     "We tried to get you out of view, but Jacey, you're too heavy. Your tail weighs a ton." I felt embarressed and angry at the same time. He not only pointed out my tail was heavy, but he can't pick me up! He's a wrestler, and the strongest guy I know, and he can't pick up my tail?! I felt awful. Embaressment swept over me. Hello? I'm a girl, and my boyfriend thinks I'm too heavy. It made me sick

     "Well?" Justin said. "What happened to you?" he asked

     I thought about it. A high- pitched screech. I faint. My tail is triggered. THAT'S IT!!

     "It's not that simple. When collectors or poachers fish, they use a high-frequency sonic-like scream that shocks the fish's nervous system. Only fish can hear it. Once the noise shocks the nerves, they go into a "heart-attack" like state. They eventually die from lack of breathing. They're then sold and bought for a lot of money." I explained

     "But, they're no fish here, and we're nowhere near any lake. We in the middle of freakin' southern Oklahoma!" Jeremy said.

     "That means someone knew you were here." Meghan said.

     "That can't be right. We always go over the area before we start. How could we have missed something like that?" I asked in fear. I could be exposed!

     "We search the entire length and area of the field but nothing. Nothing at all." Stephan said.

     "I looked over the entire field, but I didn't see anyone after the Aborias left." Jeremy said.

     "Then what happened?" I asked.

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