Ch. 21: The Final Fight

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     Kyle stood behind me, way too close behind me. I tensed up. He had a hold of my shoulders, so no escaping for me. He put his lips near my ear and began talking.

     "How stupid are you? To wander around, completely vulnerable, is just retarded." he said. "Did you think you could do it on your own? Ha! I've met some pretty stupid girls before, but you're by far the worst of them all."

     Yea, as if I didn't have enough self-confidence as it was.

     The sky looked ominous, like it was about to rain again. "Kyle, I didn't do anything to you. Why the heck are you tormenting my group?" I asked. His grip on my shoulders tightened and I knew there'd be bruises later.

     "Maybe, because of how much money people would pay to have a mermaid work for them? A vampire to work for them and take out their enemies. A shape-shifter for entertainment. A werewolf and warrior for protection. Or maybe a sorcerer for every single need." he said. "People will pay big bucks for such rare occurences like you. I will make sure all of you freaks know your true place, servants to us, the superior ones." he said.

     "What the heck? We are supposed to be non-exsistant. How the heck did these people find out?" I asked. "And, what would you know about 'superior'?"

     "Who's to say I didn't tell them? These are rich collectors we're talking about. They'll pay for anything rare that they can get their hands on." he said. "You're definately gonna be a good catch for the profits I'll rake in." and he gripped my shoulders so tight and threw me across the roof. I landed on the other side with so much pain blanketing my body. Cuts formed under my eye, on my leg, on both my hands, and across my waist. Who know there'd be so many sharp objects on a roof? Well I sure as heck know now. I stood up and tried to brush myself off.

     Kyle walked slowly towards me. "What the hell? You're getting up? You're even more stupid than I thought." he said. He grabbed the neck of my green shirt and flung me again. So much pain. Tears trickled down my cheeks for the pain.

     "Yes, and I'm not stupid." I said. I slapped Kyle's face, but to no effect. His fist then came in contact with my side.

     "You are stupid. You think you can take ME on?" he laughed as if I was just a joke to him, and I'm sure I was. He grabbed my hair and pushed me into the concrete and dirt.

     "Kyle, stop." I said. I stood up on my scraped knee and held onto a block of concrete for support. I began breathing heavily. My top lip had busted. I tasted the blood in my mouth. "Please."

     "Now why would I do that? You insist on getting back up when there's nothing you can do." he said.

     "I can." I said. I tried throwing a water attack, hydropunch as it is called, but he blocked my attack with his forearm. He grapped my hand and pulled me close to him.

     "You're pathetic, Jacey." he said and threw me down on the concrete block. My left arm, I'm sure, was broken. I cried out in pain and Kyle simply smiled that demented smile as he knelt down close to me. "You think that you're more powerful then you really are.

     Stupid, Retarded, Pathetic. The words replayed in my head over and over. I can't let him beat me down like this. I tried standing up, but he boot clashed with my back and shoved me back into the block. My stomach can't take much more of this. I felt like throwing up, and I almost did, but that would only make Kyle cause me more pain.

     "Wow, it's amazing how much determination you have. It'll work perfectly with the people willing to buy you as a slave." Kyle was a dirtbag, and I always knew it, just not to this extreme. "And, you still weren't smart enought to have back up. Ha! Stupid."

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