The Darkness Follows

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When I awoke all I saw was Nick's face. "Nick go away, just a cou-" I was interrupted by a familiar voice,"Faith omi, thank gosh you're ok." I looked up and saw Aphmau's tear stained face. I tried to sit up, but was pushed back down by Nick. I asked Aph,"Aph who all are here? Why am I being forced to lay down, Nick?" "Well, blondie is tending to your leg also your wing might be broken," Nick said as another familiar voice chimed in,"again." "Garroth,"I called out realization filling my eyes,"Garroth where's Laurence?" Everyone avoided my gaze. "Oh I believe he is long gone by now," a sickening voice said from behind me. "Zane," I growled in return. "Oh,boo hoo. Is my beautiful bride not happy to see me,"Zane said pouting. I growled as Nick helped me up. I teleported to Zane, only to feel electricity run up and down my spine. I fell to my knees. "Ah ah ah, no using magic against me, Red, or Dr. Ross," Zane sneered. I got up and leaned on the bars enclosing me and my friends,"Zane I have never yet given up, and I never will. My parents didn't name me Faith for a reason," I paused thinking about what Zane said to me first my eyes filled with tears of anger,"What did you do to him." Red walked up from behind Zane and said,"Oh that guy, yeah he was delicious." I felt my powers start to flow then electricity pulsed through my spine. I screamed in agony, then nothing just darkness and my friends voices. I'm such an idiot the darkness follows light everywhere, and that costed my loves life. Slowly my eyes opened. I was already plotting an escape and my revenge.

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