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In the morning the guards walked over and gave Aph the food. Aph then distributed it between the others. Nick then clearly, without being secretive at all knowing he would be in trouble now, walked over and threw me a granola bar. I felt stares start to put holes in my head. Today was gonna be a long day. After I ate I continued chipping at the chain. Finally as the sun was going down I broke the chain. I sat there in disbelief as the chain magically fixed itself. I am such an idiot Zane must of made the chain. I have to keep trying. I started chipping away at the chain again. The guard had come more often with food today so someone was going to be leaving us soon. Then there was a lot of noises coming from the front near the gate. When I looked up there were guards, Red, and Nick. They were heading towards the slaughter houses. I started blasting the chain with my powers, ignoring the pain shooting up and down my back. Finally the chain broke and I started running the pain in my back growing. Half way to the gates I teleported to the barn Nick was in. I was in for a surprise. Red and Ross were both waiting in there, Nick had been knocked out, and soon I was to. When I woke up I was tied to a table, Ross was standing over me, and there was a needle in my upper arm. Soon what ever was in that needle was in me. I began to feel like someone was tearing off my wings and my head hurt so much I can't describe it. I was struggling to scream against the piece of tape my mouth. While this was going on Ross just watched. When the pains stopped Ross looked pleased. I couldn't feel my wings and there was something twitching on top of my head. Ears now I have ears. I didn't have ears for long soon the pain started again and I fainted, again. When I woke up again I was in a room with no doors or windows. The only way out was a hatch on the floor. Then something happened I really didn't want to, water started falling into the room. From where you ask, why the top of the room from a hole with bars on it. I need to get out of here fast. I started blasting everything with light until I couldn't anymore. The water was up to my knees now. I was starting to have flashbacks of my last experience with water...
I ran into Zane. I had to keep running. Soon I found my self trapped at the edge of cliff. Zane had caught up to me, I gave him a smirk before letting myself fall off the cliff cliche style. Everything was in slow motion, I was falling struggling to get control of my wings. I hit the water really hard then things went black.
After I got done recalling this, the water was to my waste. How can I get out of this one. Oh maybe the hatch on the floor. By the time I came up wth this idea the water had gotten up to my shoulders I continuously went down to the hatch and pounded on it. Eventually I did this one more time and went up for air. To late, I already felt myself drifting off to sleep. The darkness crept closer and closer I didn't even fight sleep anymore. When I awoke I was in the same room as the one I started in. I was shivering not just because I was cold, but now I also feared for my life. Zane turned around and touched me just below my jaw line I screamed against the tape and almost escaped this pain, but I couldn't. Zane was gonna keep torturing me forever. I was just tainted by darkness. Zane was gonna let me die slow and painfully. Tears fell as guards practically lifted me from where I was and dragged me back to the pin, throwing me to the ground when we got there. Nick ran to me as I limply got up and walked, with his help, to my cloak. I dropped to my knees and started rustling through the secret pockets. Finally I found what I was looking for. My necklace.

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