Author's Note

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Great news! I have been trying to get back into this story, but just couldn't figure out where to take it. I have finally gotten an idea in my pretty little head, and I'll be updating tomorrow! Again, I apologize for the wait, as well as the horrible mistakes.... I went back through and read a few chapters just to place myself back into where I left off. I cringe at some of them. That's what I get for updating on my phone though... I want to thank all the people who've read this book, added it, liked it, or voted for it. I can't tell you how happy seeing that makes me. I never thought people would read it... I've grown so much as a writer since I started this. Prepare for longer, better structured chapters. I'm loving Ahali... I have some interesting places to take that one. Especially since he's not in good standing with our main girl... What happens? Hmmm, you'll just have to wait to see tomorrow!

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