Chapter 3

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*** means a POV change :)

 Chapter 3


It is officially the worst day of my life. I lost my job, got an offer for a new one and have to deal with a Christian who loves the God who took everything from me, and now I can’t get a wink of sleep! I look at the clock again to see if I should just get up or try to sleep again. Yep, 3:00. I should get up. Should. There are a lot of things I should do lately.

I should eat less junk food. Like I would actually give up Mickey D’s and chocolate. I should start studying weeks before a test, instead of 2 to 3 days before the exam. Of course that would mean I would have less time to enjoy being young and out on my own. I laugh at that. I can kid everyone else, but I can’t kid myself. I’ve always been alone. Always have and always will be. Then my mind moves to the last should on my list. I should except the job at the library.

But then I’d have to put up with Es. If I’m honest with myself, Es isn’t the problem. It’s that… that… God… that she loves so much. As I get up to start my day, I look over at my desk table in the corner of my room. On it, sits a box that was the only thing I was allowed to keep after my parents’ death. It holds my mother’s jewelry and her and my father’s wedding rings. As I go past it I stop and stare at it for a minute. After a minute, I pick it up and open the box. Sitting right on top is the only necklace my mother every owned or wore. A simple gold cross on a thin gold chain.

I pick it up and examine it closely. I’ve done this since I was old enough to understand what had happened to my parents. My mother was a wonderful woman. I don’t remember a time where she wasn’t smiling. I remember my father’s laugh. It was usually for my mother and me. We would act so silly. Granted I had an excuse as a 5 year old, but my mother was in her 30’s. Maybe that was why they were such a good match. My mother was crazy, out-going, and silly, whereas my father was always calm, laid-back, serious. Was. Past tense. Because God didn’t see why a 5 year old girl would need her parents. Of course everyone always told that little girl everything happened for her own good, and they were right.

An 8 year old girl doesn’t need her parents to tell her  why she keeps eating so much, and why her legs and arms hurt sometimes. A 12 year old girl doesn’t need her mother to explain the changes going on in her body. A 16 year young woman, no longer a girl, doesn’t’ need her mother to help her get ready for prom, and her father to threaten her date with a shot gun. An 18 year old girl doesn’t need her parents at her graduation from the high school, especially when every faculty member thought she’d drop out or get pregnant and she ended up being valedictorian.

I shake my head to clear the memories, and drop the necklace when I realize I’ve crushed the sharp end into my palm and I’m bleeding. I set the box back in its place, and go to bandage my hand up.

Despite all that I just remembered, and against my better judgment, I decide to try out that library job. I need the money, and the eviction notice on my door was an amazing insentive too...


I stop in the middle of my paper work as i hear His news... She will come, as I knew she would. Of course it may have taken the stubborn child longer if I didn't remind her landlord about the money she owed. Now she would have to come, at least for a few weeks, to pay him off. After that, I hope the seed will have been planted, and she wouldn't want to leave.

Her anger and hurt has caused her to run from her Father long enough. If only she knew! If she weren't blinded by the hurt of losing her parents to this world, she'd realize that they still lived, just in the next life. Their eternal lives. As long as my name is Esmerellda, which it technially isn't because it is from a language that has long been lost to the human world, I will make sure both of my charges came back to God.

Tread carefully daughter, for you walk on thin ice.

Of course. I will do as you ask, but I ask you to help me. I am lost here, I've never handled 2 charges in one lifetime. Let alone together.

Always, and have faith in Me as I have in you. Your job starts now.

I look up as she walks in the door.

TailspinOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora