Miss Jackson

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Climbing out the back door, didn't leave a mark
No one knows it's you Miss Jackson
Found another victim
But no one's gonna find Miss Jackson, Jackson, Jackson

   Petra brought me to my house when it started to get late. We sat at the lake talking for a long time, just gazing at the stars. All the while her hand was inside mine. I don't know how such an amazing thing could happen to a guy like me.
   I hugged her tightly good-bye and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
   "I love you Petra," I finally was able to say. "I mean it, I really do. Words just can't explain it..."
   "I know what you mean..." She said. "This, this is what I wished for."
   "Me too."
   We looked into each other's eyes and smiled.
   "Goodnight," I said. "Be safe on your drive home."
   "I will," she said with a twinkle in her eyes.
   I walked into the house to see my mom... and a man... sitting at the kitchen table.
   "Jesse! Y-you're home..." My mom said sounding surprised.
   "Mom... Who's this?" I asked cautiously.
   "You must be Jesse! Barbara's told me all about you," the man said getting up to shake my hand, but I turned away.
   "Who are you?" I challenged.
   "Jesse, this is Mike. He's... He's my new boyfriend," my mom said.
   "What?!" I exclaimed.
   "Jesse please lis-"
   "No Mom! You listen. I'm tired of dealing with this! Do you know what it's like to be neglected? Every night you go out and get drunk and you never even know if I'm home or if I'm ok, and I don't know if you even care!"
   "Jesse Xavier Jones, I am your mother and you do not talk to me like that!" She scolded.
   "No, you know what?! I'm sick of it! I'm not living like this any more! You couldn't even so much as be there on my birthday! You're such a crazy psychotic bitch that you drove Dad out!" I shouted, surprised by my own words. Never had I said that curse word out loud.
   "Your father left on his own terms!" She shouted back.
   "Well you know what?! So am I!" I yelled as I made a break for the door, my mom trying to grab my wrist and stop me, her long nails tearing the fabric of my new shirt.
   "Jesse!!" She called out, but I was gone.
   I ran out the door. I ran and ran, tears streaking down my face. I looked behind me, she wasn't following. I allowed myself to slow down. I was at the end of my road by now. On instinct I got out my phone.
   "Hello?" She answered.
   "Petra! I'm so glad you picked up," I said, not knowing if you was home or not yet.
   "What's wrong?"
   "My mom. I stormed out of the house- I can't stand it anymore. I need somewhere to go. Can you pick me up?" I explained.
   "Ok, ok. Where at?" She asked.
   "Just... meet me in town," I replied.
   "Ok... I'll see you in a little bit."
   I hung up the call and slid my phone back in my pocket and started walking towards town.
Hands in my pockets and whistling a tune, I strolled into town. I was walking by all the closed businesses, it being past 9:00. Suddenly I heard a noise behind me, footsteps from the alleyway. Curiosity got the best of me. I turned around, only for my vision to be blackened. Instant pain was inflicted in my stomach before I even realized what happened.
And that's the last thing I remember.
When I woke up a bag was being pulled off my head. As my vision cleared I was met by two figures...
Aiden and Lukas?!
"You guys?!" I exclaimed.
"Well, well, well, look what the dogs drug in," Aiden said with an evil smile.
"So it was you guys putting the petty threat notes in my locker," I said accusingly.
"How long did it take ya to figure that one out, Sherlock?" Aiden said with a snarl.
"But what you don't get is why we did it, Einstein," Lukas added.
"What?" I said confused. I was beginning to panic, and as I took in my surroundings I noticed I was tied up to a tree, we were in the forest. I had no clue where about we were though, and I knew that wasn't good. I was terrified.
"You really don't get it do you?" Lukas said.
"See Jesse, we're only trying to protect you," Aiden started. "You honestly think Petra likes- let alone loves you? I'll tell you one thing," he said leaning forward, his face intimidatingly close to mine, "she'd leave you in a heartbeat for the next guy. I've seen it happen before."
"No. No you're lying!" I yelled.
"Oh, am I?" He challenged. "If I was, would I do this?" He said as he untied me. "I'm giving you a chance to walk away, its for your own good anyway."
"Why should I?" I questioned. I knew he was lying. Petra would never do that to me, he just wanted her for himself. He was trying to gain my trust.
"You're testing my patience buddy," he said while growing an angry scowl on his face. Lukas was standing behind him, waiting to back him up.
"Why should I trust you? You treat Petra like dirt, and she just gives you what you've got coming!" I retaliated.
   "She's a slut, Jesse. And we're just trying to save you the heartbreak," Lukas said.
   "I don't believe any of this crap, not for a minute!" I said.
"I was afraid it would come to this, oh wait, no I wasn't," Aiden said, his evil grin growing larger and larger as he cracked his knuckles. Lukas was on edge behind him. "Get him," the command slipped from Aiden's mouth, and Lukas jumped like an eager dog awaiting its master's command.
Just like that Lukas's fist was flying towards me. I caught his wrist just in time and counter attacked by giving him an elbow to the rib cage. Before I could think twice I felt the hard hit from Aiden's fist land in my eye socket, knocking me backwards. Lukas took the opportunity while I was off guard to sack me to the ground. His fists collided with my flesh, my arms trying so frantically to shield myself but not getting to where they needed to be.
"Lay off! This one's mine," I heard Aiden say as the weight was lifted off of me. I knew inevitably that I wouldn't escape. As soon as I got up I was be beaten brutally before I could even try and attack. I might to be able to outrun them, but I have no clue where I am, and if they did catch me it wouldn't be pretty...
"I'm screwed."
I got up, totally disoriented, Aiden and Lukas were standing a little distance away from me, both had cocky smiles on their faces.
"This will teach you to mess with the alpha male!" Aiden said as he whipped out a pocket knife. He lunged forward, and as soon as I realized what was happening I tried to block him, but soon a sharp, acute pain filled my abdomen. My reflexes had been slowed. He gritted his teeth and laughed maliciously in my face, all while holding the knife in place.
He looked me square in the eyes as I gasped for breath, and I spit in his face as my last resort. He pulled away, and soon blood gushed from my wound.
"Come on, let's bail!" I heard Aiden say as the footsteps led off to their truck, the engine turned over and they drove away.
I laid on the ground, coughing and gasping for air. The pain was unbearable. My right eye was throbbing and blood was still flowing freely from the stab wound, the wine red liquid blending in with the red stripes of my shirt. Shakily, I got my phone out of my pocket.
"Please pick up, please pick up."
"P-Petra," I gasped.
"Where are you? I drove into town but I don't see you anywhere."
"I'm- I'm hurt. I'm hurt real bad," I said between coughs.
"What happened, where are you?!" She said getting worried.
"Lukas... Aiden... Jumped me... In the woods somewhere... By a road..." I tried to make intelligible conversation.
"Don't worry I'll- I'll get help!" She responded.
"Please... Hurry," I croaked.
"Don't hang up Jesse, please," she pleaded.
"I- need to call... The police," I winced.
"Ok... Ok I'm coming, don't give up on me!" She said.
"I... Love... You..." My voice came out a mere whisper.
"I love you too, so much. I'm going to find you!" Her voice desperate.
I ended the call with my blood soaked index finger and dialed 9-1-1. A number I never imagined actually having to type.
"9-1-1, what's your emergency?" A lady on the other end answered.
"I need an ambulance," I gasped.
"What is your location sir?" She asked.
"I don't- I don't know. Can't you track my phone or-"
Beep beep beep
My phone died.
   Slowly I put my hands together and closed my eyes, "God, please don't let me die here."
I laid there, helpless, defenseless, wounded, lost in the woods.

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