You Make My World Spin

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   The past couple of weeks of my life have been rather eventless, but amazing. I finally felt like I had it all. I repaired my relationship with my mother and Axel, and I had Petra. Axel, Olivia, Petra and I would all hang out now, and no one felt left out of anything. And now, tonight was prom night.
   Axel was over at my house and Olivia was over at Petra's. We had just finished getting our tux's on.
   "You almost ready to go?" Axel asked me.
   "Yeah, you?"
   "Yep," he said as he took in a deep breath, held the air in his lungs, and let it out. "Woo, I am excited!" He said with a bright smile on his face.
   I held the corsage I got for Petra in my hands. I was nervous. Excited, but nervous. All I could think about was all the people that would be there. The little plastic box began shaking in my hands.
   "You okay?" Axel asked me.
   "I'm fine... Just a little nervous is all," I answered.
   "Ah, you'll be fine. Once you get in there and we're all dancing together, your nerves will ease," he said with a comforting smile.
   "Yeah, I wish it was that easy..." I muttered.
   Axel's phone pinged as it received a new text message. "The girls are ready," he said as he began to type a reply. "Let's go!" He exclaimed excitedly.
   We walked out the door and got in Axel's dad's truck. He had to borrow it because, unlike Axel's 2-door truck, it could fit us all in. I took my place in the front, but once we all got in I'm sure Petra and I would sit in the back, allowing Axel and Olivia to be together in the front.
   We arrived at Petra's house and opened the door, taking a few steps back so the girls would have plenty of walking room.
   "Are you boys ready to meet your dates?" Olivia's muffled voice said from the other side of the door.
   "Heck yeah!" Axel yelled, and I gulped down my nervousness.
   First walked out Olivia in a long, red dress. Then Petra stepped out.
   She looked absolutely breath taking.
   My jaw dropped in awe as she made her way outside. Her crimson hair had been straightened. Each red velvet strand was like a thread of silk that laid on her shoulder. She wore a lengthy black dress with turquoise highlights. I couldn't believe my eyes. She was the definition of flawless.
   "Hey Jesse," she greeted with a huge white smile.
   "Wow. You look beautiful. I mean, you always do but... Wow," I said, my words failing me.
   She let out a cute giggle and looked at the ground. "Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself. Very sharp," she said as she fixed the collar of my tux.
   I unboxed the corsage and placed it on her wrist. After that we all gathered for pictures, first we took Axel and Olivia's picture, then mine and Petra's, then one with all four of us.
   "Ok, are you two ready or what?" Axel said, faking impatience.
   "Yeah, let's go," Petra answered.
   We talked and cracked jokes on the short ride to the community center. We arrived and parked in the first available place, already a sizable crowd was there. We gave the lady at the booth our tickets, and made our way inside.
   A disco ball hung from the ceiling, little rings of light illuminating onto the floor. Petra's arm was locked with mine as we walked onto the dance floor. My heart was racing in my chest, causing my ribs to vibrate and my body to feel hollow.
   "Are you okay?" Petra asked.
   "Yeah, I'm fine, why wouldn't I be fine?" I said a little too fast, and she didn't buy it.
   "Look around you Jesse."
   "What?" I asked, confused.
   "Just do it," she stated, and I did. "Everyone is either too worried about themselves or their date to pay attention to you. I bet no one even knows your here. You don't know who all is here, so don't be nervous. No one will judge you," she comforted.
   "You're right," I sighed. "You're right, I know you are."
   "Then what are we waiting for? Let's have some fun," she smiled as she took both of my hands in hers and led me to the middle of the dance floor, beside Axel and Olivia.
   I took what Petra said to heart, and I just let loose. I didn't care who saw me. Even if anyone did see me, they would forget the next second.
   As we danced I noticed Axel and Olivia had slipped away and were by the DJ booth. It looked like they were making a request.
   The song "You and I" by PVRIS came on, I could tell by its angelic beginning. It's a slow song. I whipped my head back over to Axel who gave me a thumbs up and a wink, and he eventually began to dance with Olivia himself.

I know it's warmer where you are
And it's safer by your side
But right now I can't be what you want
Just give it time

   The song began as I felt Petra's hands slide behind my neck, and eventually I put mine on her waist, pulling her close to me.

And if you and I
Can make it through the night
And if you and I
Can keep our love alive, we'll find

We can meet in the middle
Bodies and souls collide
Dance in the moonlight
When all the stars align
For you and I, for you and I, oh

   The chorus began as our bodies moved to the beat of the music. I gazed into her brown, galaxy-like eyes, the beautiful voice of the lead singer still going on in the background. I loved the band, and this song. I couldn't think of a more perfect moment.

I know it's cold when we're apart
And I hate to feel this die
But you can't give me what I want
Just give it time

   "Petra?" I began.

And if you and I
Can make it through the night
And if you and I
Can keep our love alive, we'll find

We can meet in the middle
Bodies and souls collide
Dance in the moonlight
When all the stars align
For you and I, for you and I, oh

   "You know you make my world spin, right?" I said, quoting a different song by PVRIS.
   She smiled, "Same goes for you."
   "There's something important I need to ask you... Something I should have done long ago."
   "What is it?" She asked as my heart raced. This was it.

But for now we stay so far
'Til our lonely limbs collide
I can't keep you in these arms
So I keep you in my mind

But for now we stay so far
'Til our lonely limbs collide
I can't keep you in these arms
So I keep you in my mind

(Reaching out, can't feel you now)

   I waited for the song's pause. "Will you be my girlfriend?"
   "Of course, you doofus," she said as she grabbed my collar and pulled us close, mending her lips with mine.

Can we meet in the middle?
Bodies and souls collide
Dance in the moonlight
When all the stars align
For you and I, for you and I, oh

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