Chapter 10

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"You're what?" my father asked me dropping his cookie into his milk. I laughed and continued.

"I'm getting the help. I've been looking for doctors and places for me to go. I'm going to leave in a week or so." I told him. His eyes opened with joy. I was happy to see him happy again after I put them all through hell.

"I'm so proud of you, I am really am." he said pulling me into a hug. This family likes hugging too much, way too much.

"Thank you." I said to him. He let me go and smiled holding my shoulders. He laughed and got up to leave my room. He closed my room and left me alone with a few cookies left and 2 glasses halfway full of milk.

I walked back over to the computer to read more about what I was planning on doing. All of this scared me to the tee. I didn't want them to think I was crazy, I know that they have dealt with this before but it was hard to believe that without any reviews or stars.
I don't know when I fell asleep, it wasn't late. But, I wasn't having a nightmare. At least i thought I wasn't. I got up to get a drink of water. But something was different. I looked around my room to see if it was the room. It wasn't. I shrugged it off and went into the kitchen.

The lights were off but it was only 10. The whole neighborhood looked dead from inside the house. I headed to the cupboards to get a glass when I heard a scream coming from my brothers room.

I dropped the glass and ran to the noise, my feet hit the floor hard, my hands moving past me trying to get somewhere. I stood facing the hallway waiting for another scream, another came but at the same time the hallway seemed to have gotten longer. The walls expanded, pictures fell and I couldn't see beyond a certain point.

I began walking slowly down the hallway, screams were coming from different directions. Some from my brothers room, some from my parents, even my room. My eyes were set on my white door that was open ajar. I pushed it open to see 5 black figures standing around my bed. Each one of them holding a body part down.

I was laying there, screaming. But I could hear it. I heard myself screaming. I watched the figures dig their nails into my body. I only blinked to see that the figures were gone and I was the one hurting myself. My mouth opened to say something, but what was I going to say?

I ran to myself, whoever this was but only my hands slipped through it. It was like a hologram, I couldn't touch it, only see and watch it. Tears slid down my face, my actual face hitting the bed sheets.

I had no idea what was going on. I was seeing this, I was watching what happened in my nightmare and it was horrifying. The only words to describe it would be exorcism. That's exactly what it looked like. I wanted to stop myself so bad but there was no way too. I had to stay and witness my own doing.

I closed my eyes one more time. "Olivia. Wake up. This is just a dream. You're okay." I repeated over and over praying something would work. I watched myself lay back down, remove my nails from my skin and close my eyes. I blinked one more time and I was placed back in my bed, sleeping normally. The bed sheets weren't on the floor, there was no blood, I wasn't sweating or crying. I was sleeping like a normal person.

I sat up and looked around my room making sure I didn't wake anyone. I rubbed my head a few times and my eyes trying to wake myself up. It was 2 in the morning and I felt like I wasn't going to be able to fall back asleep.

I got out of bed and went to the computer. I wanted to leave earlier than a week, but I wasn't sure that was possible either.

I typed in Google and tried to figure out what exactly I had and what the treatment was.

"Come on, there's gotta be something wrong with me." I whispered to myself. The only things coming up were sleep walking. I knew I was doing that, maybe. But there was something much deeper than that. I went to this website that apparently told me all the things about your nightmares and what they meant.

I searched up my symptoms praying something would come up.

"Sleep paralysis." I whispered. Is that what I had? But, this happens while falling asleep or just waking up. I continued to search, hoping to learn more and I could get somewhere.

I looked back at my nightstand where my phone was sitting. I got up and went to grab it. I dialed Harrys number but didn't press call. I know he won't answer me, one because it's 2:45 am and two because he's mad at me.

I pressed call anyway but wasn't surprised when it went straight to voicemail.

Stigma | h.s #Wattys2016Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora