Family Dynamics

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A long blast of the ship horns echoed through the cobblestone alley just as Lev exited his grandparents' apartment into the petal filled air. The ships were off for another gathering expedition. They would be back in a month or so with new mods, or supplies for mods, at least. He turned to wave to his grandparents and their previously concerned faces lifted into we-enjoyed-having-you smiles.

Whenever the ships returned from an expedition, the crews switched out and left the next day. Usually citizens who didn't rank high at Higher Learning were assigned memberships on a crew. These jobs, Lev had heard, were difficult and those given membership were discouraged from raising families because of the difficulties presented with being absent half the year. That's what the domes near the docks were for. The single crew members. They were spacious enough, and technologically advanced, but lonely. Lev wouldn't mind being by himself. But he would mind being on a crew of people for a month and having nowhere to go but with them. He was curious, however...

He ran his hand along the stone walls as he walked in the direction of his house. On ship days, everybody was let out at the same time they left. Usually half of Trealles stood by the dock to watch as they took off into the air and disappeared to where the sea met the sky.

Only crew members knew what was beyond that ever steady, ever mysterious point. And none of them ever shared about it. If Lev didn't hate talking to people he would ask someone. He would ask all of the questions bumping around in his mind and not be a bit sorry. But perhaps that's just another thing one learns upon becoming an adult. Like everything else interesting in the world.

The stones ended and a flurry of petals met Lev. The stairs before him were covered with pink. Sliding his hand along the rail, petals stung as they connected with his hand and floated to the ground. Voices echoed along the hall above and Lev's heart began pounding. He stopped mid-step, halfway up the stairs, and began turning around. Bottom step.


His eyes shut for a moment. A petal landed on his head. He turned and lifted his eyes to Lola and Ker. The outdoor lighting only made their mods more ridiculous—except, maybe, Ker's. Hers weren't so bad in this moment.

Lola placed her hand on her hip. "We heard what happened."

"You know, that's really too bad." Ker sniffed and mirrored her sister but leaned on the railing a bit.

"Heard you weren't paying attention in class."

Ker's eyes widened and she bit her lip but kept silent.

"Economics is important, Lev. How else are you going to improve society?"

"Anyway." Ker dropped her arm and leaned forward so far Lev's heart spiked for her safety. "It's a shame you were hurt, but at least you got out of Higher Learning early."

Lola made a face at her sister.

Ker ignored her and leaned forward even more. "Anyway. We missed you in Historic Architecture, you know."

"Ew." Lola groaned and grabbed her sister's arm. "Let's go, Ker."

Ker's eyes didn't leave Lev's as she was being pulled by Lola. Her eyebrows twitched upwards and her mouth quirked ever so slightly.

Lev shook his head and turned back around. Everybody was going crazy. 

Another five minutes of hiding in shadows and backtracking to avoid further interaction and Lev was on the third level of the houses. The one at the end called his name just as the door to his left began opening. 

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