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Sunlight drifted through the curtained windows of Berry Straw. Warm smells rose from the kitchen and upbeat singing echoed from there. Zora had a key, so they'd let themselves in as it wasn't opening time yet.

Kennedy looked up from behind the counter. Her facial expression relaxed from its previously slightly pinched one. "Groves. You've found our friend, I see." She lifted her chin to nod at Lev.

"As if you did not perceive that would happen." Zora locked the door behind them and led the way up to the counter.

Kennedy shrugged and leaned forward, dark green eyes taking in everything like a forest to weary wanderers.

"Lev needs water as his throat is parched from talking too much."

The sister's dark eyebrows rose and her eyes landed again on Lev's face. "I find that hard to believe, Groves."

Zora expelled a sigh from his mouth. "You are correct. Thank you for putting me in my place. Lev has hardly said a word. It is as if his body does not wish for him to speak."

A glass of water was handed to him and, in the next moment, downed by him. Even the water tasted different on this side of the river. Sort of fresher and purer, but from the earth, if that was possible. He knew the water back home was stored and processed at the utilities center. The liquid washed away the thickness in his throat and lightened his mouth to finally utter words once more. "Thank you."

"There's nothing like a glass of cold water, is there?" Kennedy took the glass, refilled it, and returned it to its spot before Lev. "Has Groves been talking your ear off?"

The singing from the kitchen got louder and Zora or, as Kennedy apparently addressed her by, Groves, joined in the singing, grabbed Lev's hands, and began to swing him around the dinning area with her.

Lev's heart raced and his skin tingled at her grasp on his hands. Why in Trealles did Zora think this was okay? He struggled to get out of her grasp, but her hands held his fast. Her eyes were glued to his face as they whirled about the room, sunlight flashing through hair and eyes and bodies as they spun and spun. She was grinning like it was the best time she'd ever had and singing—grinning and singing and swinging around. This was ridiculous. His eyebrows lowered and his breath came in shallow gasps. Lev's stomach turned and he collapsed on the ground.

Lev fell onto his back and stared at the ceiling as it still spun. Why was the ceiling spinning? He'd never been dizzy like this before. It was always from synth and he did not wish to go back to that. "Why did you do that?"

Zora's face appeared over his and her mouth parted. A flash of something lit her eyes for a moment, but vanished just as quickly. "I have to go." She straightened, not bothering to ask Lev if he was alright. "If you could have Lev work with you until this evening, that would be splendid. Give Caddy my best." She looked back down at Lev, brows furrowed, mouth ready to speak something else, but without another word she straightened her jacket and walked out of the building.

Lev closed his eyes and shook his head back and forth. What was wrong with her? Why had she left without saying anything to him? He'd never begin to understand her. Footsteps from the counter echoed closer.

"A word of advice" —Lev opened his eyes to see Kennedy holding her hand out to him— "Be careful with what you say around Zora. It might not seem like it, but she takes personal criticism heavier than anything." He grabbed onto her hand and she pulled him up. "She'll get over it if it's not a big deal, but if you say something really hurtful, she'll up and leave. Count on that."

"Why?" Lev adjusted his twisted clothing.

"It's just how she is. I only know after years of watching her. You'll get used to her ways eventually."

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