Not Alone Teenage!Dean x Teenage!Reader

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Two weeks at this place. Then, you were off to another high school and another motel. Your mom was a hunter, and your dad died when you were five. He was shot by a demon, and you saw him suffer the pain. You wore the average outfit, AC/DC t shirt, along with skinny jeans and a ripped, sleeveless vest. You grabbed your backpack, $5, and took a bus to school.
Your mom had signed you up for mechanics, the one good thing about this. As you left the house, you gripped your necklace, the last piece of your dad you had. You arrived at the bus stop, and a creepy guy was checking you out. You nervously waited for the bus. 7:30, you thought, it was supposed to be here ten minutes ago. Finally, the bus pulls up. You hand the driver the money and sat in the back. You arrive at the school. You enter the office and hand the lady the paper.
"Okie dokie! You can head off to your first class now." The lady said. Your first class was mechanics, and surprise surprise, you are the only girl in the room. You enter.
"Everybody, please welcome our new student, (Y/N). (Y/N), You can go sit by Dean over there." The teacher explained. You walked over and set your backpack down. You played with your necklace.
"So, you're new here too?" Asked Dean.
"Uh... yeah, I guess." Nervously, you smile. Usually, you were pretty chill, but around Dean, you felt like you were close.
"I'm new too. Only staying a couple weeks. You?"
"Same. My mom fixes crashed cars, then sells them to get us money."
"Nice." And like that, class was over. Ironically, you were in the same class as Dean, for every class. You guys became best friends. Right before class ended, you saw Dean talking with some little boy.
"Hi, Dean." You say.
"Oh, hey (Y/N)! This is my little brother Sam." He gestured toward Sam.
"Hi!" Sam said. The bell rang, and you made your way out the door. Your phone buzzed, and your mom texted you. Hi sweetie. This hunt is harder than I thought. Could you walk back to the motel today? I'll be back next Tuesday. Love you! Of course, it always takes longer than she thinks. Whatever. You walk to the motel. Halfway through the walk, you're stopped by a '67 Chevy Impala.
"Hey, need a ride?" Says a familiar voice.
"Dean?" You ask.
"Yup. So... do you?"
"Nice ride. Sure, I just need to go to the Daydream Motel."
"Sweet, that's where we were heading too." You jump into the back of the Impala. Dean turns up the radio. Thunderstruck by AC/DC starts playing. This was the first classic rock your dad ever played to you. The thought of your dad makes you tear up, and eventually, cry.
"Hey, you okay back there?" Dean asks.
"Yeah. It's just that this is the first classic rock song my dad ever played to me." Your voice softened.
"What happened to your dad?" Sam asked.
"He was uh..." no one have ever asked you that, so you don't know how to answer.
"Hunter?" Dean asked, casually. You were shocked.
"Uh, yeah. How'd you know?"
"I dunno. I guess you answered like I did the first time someone asked about my mom. My mom was killed by a demon." He seemed hurt by his own words.
"My dad was also killed by a demon. Not in a 'house fire'." You air quoted the words 'house fire'. You arrived at the motel, and you all got out.
"Thanks for the ride." You said.
"Welcome." Dean replied. You all went inside and Sam had to go to the bathroom.
"So, what room are you staying in-" You were stopped by Dean's lips on yours. You kissed him back. Sam came back from the bathroom.
"So Dean, when are we-?" He stopped and stared at you both. Awkwardly, you stopped and blushed. Dean smiled.
"See you at school, (Y/N)." He said and Sam and him left.
Hope you liked it! This is my first one, so sorry if it's not that good. Request something in the comments if you would like.

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