Not Alone Teenage!Dean x Teenage!Reader pt. 3

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5 years ago you reunited with Dean Winchester. Now, you live with them and hunt with them. You stay as close as you can to Dean, so you don't get hurt, so he doesn't get hurt. You can't stand seeing him in pain, and he can't stand seeing you in pain. Nothing important has happened in the past 5 years, well of course, except for moving in with them.
¤ Flash back ¤
Dean's P.O.V.
"Dad?" I ask, eagerly waiting for him to answer.
"Yes, Dean?" He replies.
"So, I ran into (Y/N) again at school. Her mom was killed by a werewolf, and she has no where to stay, no one to go to. I was wondering if she could stay, you know, with us? Please?" I asked, trying to stay as cool as possible. I really like (Y/N), the way she dresses, she makes me laugh, and I love the way her (E/C) eyes sparkle, and the way her (H/C) hair blows in the wind.
"Sure, as long as she can hunt." Yes! I thought.
End Flash back
Your P.O.V.
Today was the biggest hunt, well for you at least. You all were hunting the werewolf that killed your mother, the last piece of family you had. The werewolf has been killing single mothers. Well, at least now you know what provoked it.
You were all gearing up; silver bullets, silver knives, silver everything. You put the bullets in the gun, and cleaned the knives. They took it and packed it into the Impala. You had butterflies in your stomach, you had the biggest fear of dogs, and your mom's kill made it worse. Going up and killing it might be the best for you.
You were driving around in the Impala, looking around abandoned buildings to see if any of them could be the werewolves. You see one at the edge of town, blood and scratches covering the doors and windows. You started to breathe heavy, then you started to hyperventilate.
"(Y/N)? You okay?" You see Sam's lips moving, but you cannot hear him.
"(Y/N), hey, hey it's okay. They won't hurt you, we'll protect you." Dean's comforting words helped you, and you stopped freaking out. You drove to the building, and you heard howls.
"Dean! In there!" You whisper shouted. Quietly, you opened the creaky, wood door. Accompanied by Sam, you both walked upstairs. A werewolf jumped at Sam but you stabbed it before it could get him. Dean was downstairs, and you heard your name being yelled.
"Dean? I'm coming!" You yell. You and Sam rush down the stairs, and stopped when two werewolves come at Sam. You stab one but the other jumps out of the way, but you managed to lung forward and stab it's head.
More quietly than last time, you go down the last four steps. One creaks, but no one hears you, except for Dean. He's hiding underneath the stairs and gestures for you both to go in there. You, following behind Sam, makes your way to the hiding spot. Dean holds you in his arms, and you hold Sam.
"Any of you hurt?" Dean whispers, and you both shake your heads. Out of nowhere, a werewolf pops out and grabs you. You punch it and stab it's arm, but that doesn't do much. It scratches your arm, torso, leg, face, and the most hurtful spot, it scratches your heart, and you couldn't breathe.
"(Y/N)?" The boys say in unison. You roll out, but it just hurts.
"(Y/N)! Sam, stay here with her, and stab or shoot werewolves that come at you or her. I'm gonna bring the Impala around. I'll honk for you to help her get over here got it?" Dean instructs. Your vision is blurry, but you can still make out the figure of Sam. You smile at him.
"Will I be okay?" You ask.
"Of course, just don't give up on us, all right?" Sam says. You nod. Things are getting more blurry. You hear the honk of the Impala, and Sam says, "Are you ready?" And you nod. You wince in pain as you get up, but stumble, Sam holds onto your waist, giving you more balance. You manage to walk to the Impala.
"Put her in the back seat, and hurry so we can get to the hospital." Dean says. You lay in the back seat. Your eyes are getting heavy, hard to stay open, but you fight the pain.
You finally arrive at the hospital, and Dean picks you up bridal style and carries you inside.
"We need a doctor, stat!" Yells a nurse. You are rushed to a bed, and they lay you in it.
"Can you tell us what happened?" Asked a nurse.
"She was attacked by a wild animal." Dean lies. A few hours go by, and they still haven't done anything. The doctor goes out of the room, and explains to Dean that the cuts are too deep, and they may not be able to do anything. Your hearing gets fuzzy, so you can't quite make out what Dean says. All you hear are words like "fight through" "live" "okay" from him.
Soon, everything blacks out.
"It's okay," he said, "They won't hurt you." He said.

Hey guys!
Sorry if this killed you (get the pun?). This is the last part to this. Please vote and request down in the comments!
G'day, tweedles!
°*°*°* Athena *°*°*°

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