Not Alone Teenage!Dean x Teenage!Reader pt. 2

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It's been 2 years since you met Dean Winchester. You're 18 now, living on your own because your mom was killed in the hunt that she was on when you met Dean. You started hunting on your own now, following the directions of your mother's guide she gave you. It was your last year of high school, finally. You signed up for mechanics, as usual. You dressed normally, bleach-stained black shirt, and jeans. You went to a bus stop. A normal school bus stop. Suddenly, the area was filled with classic rock music, and the familiar roar of a car.
You turned around, and there it was; a black Chevy Impala '67, with Sam and Dean inside. You turned back. You never thought you would see them again.
"(Y/N)? Is that you?" Dean asks, exiting the Impala.
"Yeah. It is." You reply, still shocked. Sam waves at you, and you wave back.
"How long has it been?" Dean asks, walking up to you and hugging you.
"Let's see... we were 16 when we met. We're 18 now, so I'd say a good 2 years now." You smile. Dean nods, and you follow him to the bus stop. You all chat about what has happened in the past two years, then, Dean asks you about your mom.
"So... how's your mom doing?"
You gulp, "She uh... passed." You say.
"She did? How?" Sam asked, concern in his voice.
"She was killed by a skinwalker," tears form in your eyes, "And now I have nowhere to stay." You stare blankly at the empty road, until the bus pulls up.
You climb up into the bus. Some guys start whistling at you, staring at you. Dean gives them the death glare, and you sit with Dean and Sam sits across from you. Another guy whistles at you.
"Hottie alert. How about you come and sit over here?" Said man says.
"I'm fine." You growl.
"Aw, c'mon. Sit over here, sweet cheeks."
"No." You mange to say through gritted teeth.
"Please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?"
"She said no, so back off." Dean interrupted. You mouthed a 'thank you' and he mouthed a 'you're welcome' back. The bus arrived at school, and you were just about to get up when an arm pulled you back.
"I'm Chad. How about we stay back, for a while, sugar?" The same guy, Chad, said. You tried to break his grasp, but he wouldn't let go.
"Dean!" You shout, Dean turned around, walked back, and punched Chad. He pulled you off the bus.
"Thanks Dean." You say. But instead of saying 'You're welcome' , he kissed you. You were surprised because it hasn't happened in two years. Chad exited the bus.
"Bitch." He whispers to himself.
¤{Time Skip}¤
School ended, and you were heading home when Dean pulled up next to you.
"Need a ride?" He asked.
"Sure." You jumped into the back of the Impala. Even though it was only a five minute drive, it felt like forever. Singing along to songs, cracking jokes, and debating whether or not would ever get asked out.
After the ride was over, you jumped out of the Impala, and Dean after you.
"Bye Dean, bye Sam." Dean kissed you again, but softer.
"Bye, babe." He winked at you, and drove off.

I'm thinking about adding another part... what do you think? Please vote and comment a request. Whether it be an imagine or x reader. G'bye, my tweedles.

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