Chapter 16.

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"Im so nervous." i say while looking at Lauren. Today Jc is talking me on a date and he said its gonna be very special.
"Why?" she asks.
"I don't know i have a weird feeling in my stomach." I say and Lauren giggles suspiciously.
"Do you know what he is gonna do??" i ask.
"Yup. Its definitely gonna be a night to remember." she says while smirking.
"Can i ask you something?" she asks
"Yeah of course what's up?"
"What does it feel like to be in love?"
"It feels amazing. I cant explain it. But Jc is my everything I choose him. I will choose him when things get rough Ill choose him no matter what." i say.
"Aww." she says.
"Hey babe are you ready?" Jc says walking into our room.
"Oh.My.God. You look beautiful." he says making me blush.
"Thanks babyyy. You look handsome." i say as i look at what he is wearing. He is wearing a suit and he looks sexy. Im wearing a burgundy dress with black lace over it. And my hair is in a messy fancy bun thing. My make up is eyeliner,mascara,a burgundy matte lip,and its a full face i really went all out.
"Lets go." he says and kisses me.
"Bye Lauren." i say
"Bye have fun."
"Wait stay here i need to get something." he says andvwalks back in the room. I was just standing on the stair way when kian came out. Me and Kian havent talked only little hellos and slight smiles.
"Whoah you look sexy ." he says while checking me out.
"Umm thanks." i say.
"Can i have a hug?" he says.
"I dont know..." i said while walking away from him.
Then he just hugged me. I soon realized i miss the feeling of Kians arms wrapped around me. He gave me one last squeeze and he backed away.
"Okay lets go." Jc says walking out of the room.
"Hey umm good luck Jc. Have fun." Kian says and i can see tears brimming his eyes.
"Thank you and we will."
When we got outside Jc opened the car door for me.
"Thank you." i say and he says
"Your welcome love."
"Gimme a kiss." i say. And we kiss a long one too. As we were driving Jc says
"Remember when we had sex in this car?"
" oh god. Yes i do. That was the first time i have ever had sex." i say laughing and blushing.
"I wuv you so much." he says
"I wuv you too." i say.
After a while we got to a very fancy restraunt.
"This looks expensive." i say as the waitress seats us to our seat.
"Anything for the love of my life." everytime he tells me he loves me or complments me my stomach goes crazy with butterflies like it was the first time. We ordered our food.
Once we were done Jc paid and we left.
"Now we are going to a special place."
After a while of driving we ended up at the mountains.
"It looks so beautiful." I say.
"But not as beautiful as you." he says and kisses me.
He opened my door for me to get out and we sat on the roof of his car. Obviously i had to take off my heels.
" You mean the world to me." he says and puts me on his lap.
"I dont know what I would do with out you." i say and kiss him and it turned into a heated make out session.
"Lets take a picture. " he says. After the picture he starte making a video on snap chat and he said.
"Look the love of my life. She is beautiful isnt she?" he says and eneds the video.
"Look at how cute you look oh my god." he said to me.
"Im so ugly why do you love me?" i asked him
"You are so sexy and beautiful. I just love you i cant even explain it." he says and grabs my hand to help me off the car.
"Now we are going to the happiest place on earth." he said but soon after i understood.
"Yes baby." he says while laughing.
"Im so excited!" i say.
"Me too." he says.
"But its already 11:00 pm" i say.
"Just wait baby girl. " he says and put his hand on my thigh.
I decided to take a picture of it.
"Why did you take that picture?" he says while gigling.
"Because the moment was to special not to capture." i say.
10 mins later we got there.
"Lauren helped me pick clothes for you because i knew you were gonnq say we look to fancy." he says and hands me my favorite shoes and a cute outfit. I change in the back seat and so does he.
"We look good." i say to him.
"Yeah you do." he says and as we get out of his car he slaps my ass which suprises me.
"Jc!" i say.
"What?" he says while smirking. And we just laugh. We went on two ride until Jc rushed us to get to the big castle before the fire works started.
Once they start Jc says
"They look so nice." like 30 seconds later my favorite song started playing by Ruth B called '2 broke kids'
"Omg Jc this is my favorite!" i slightly yell.
"I know baby. Look at that fire work." he says and points to one about to errupt as im looking i hear everyone gasp and stare at us. I look at Jc and.
As she turns around i get on one knee and almost instantly i feel all eyes on us.
Taylor turns around and looks at me. And i could tell she was gonna cry.
"Taylor Landcaster I have loved you since I first saw you. Im so in love with you and i want to spend the rest of my life with you. So will you Taylor Landcaster Marry Me?" i ask. Im so scared. I actually have never been this scared.
"Yes omg yes." she says and starts crying as i put the ring on her finger. I pick her up and hug and kiss her.
"I love you." she said.
When we were driving home i could see her keep looking at her ring.
"Whats wrong?" i ask
"Nothing im just so happy and excited. I feel like im dreaming. Like we are gonna get married and have kids." she says and starts tearing up.
"Aww my baby. Dont cry." i say
"I just love you so much."
"I love you too."
Once we got home sprints into the house and yells "LAUREN OMG LAUREN!!!"
"What happened?" lauren says
"YAYAYAYAY!!!!" she yells
"I knew you could do it." lauren says to me as i walk in.
"I was so fucking nervous." i say.
"Can you take a picture of us?" i ask Lauren
"Yeah." in the picture Taylor is holding out her hand and im hugging and kissing her cheek.
"I need to tell Kian." she says
Taylors POV
"Kian im getting married!!" i yelled.
"I know i heard im super happy for you." he says and hugs me.
"Thank you."
"Im so excited." i say and walk to back to Jc.
"Cmon Jc. Bye Lauren." i say and lead Jc to our room.
And i lock the door and we start making out
Im probably gonna be sore tomorrow.
So that happened dont worry all you Kian lovers more dramma is on its way. Please dont forget to like and comment.

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