Chapter 2.....The Big Bad Wolf? Or should I say the Big Bad TROLL!

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I noticed that Kalvin stayed rooted in place and was turning at the creature. "Hey! Watch out! Do you realize there's a vicious troll infront on you?" I shouted. And I i didn't expect this to happen, Kalvin ran after the troll. I watched In horror as the troll raised it's fist and was about to crush Kalvin, I closed my eyes, ready to hear a boom. But instead i heared a crash. I opened one eye and was staring at Justin stopping the troll's hand, Twice as bigger than him. Kalvin jumped on the troll's hand and ran up it's arm in such speed.

The troll smacked Kalvin out of his arm like a fly, Kalvin flew in the air, I could've sworn that I saw hands pulling him straight down. "What are you doing?!? Help!" Justin screamed at me, punching the troll in the stomach. The troll slammed Justin onto the nearest restroom and it fell apart in ruins, water sprouting everywhere. I watched as Kalvin was falling straight toward the ground, I made a 2 second decision. I ran after Kalvin.

I raised out my arms so he can land safely. I was right about the landing part, not sure about the saftey.... Kalvin landed with a smack on top of me. "Sorry!" he shouted and continued running after the troll who was walking loudly. "N-no problem," I managed to say, sitting up. My head hurting like a bitch. I squinted, my eyes blurry from the smack. I saw Kalvin turn into something white, something that ran on four was a polar bear. I widened my eyes. "What the-" I got interrupted by something that wrapped it's enourmus hand around my body. I suddenly felt the ground below me disappear, I looked down and saw that i was being raised up into the sky.

I turned my head to my right and saw the troll's face. It had no eyes, no mouth...actually the parts where the eyes and mouth were suppose to be was replaced by a nose! I was about 56 feet in the was the right time for me to scream, "AAAAAHHHHH!!!!" I grew into a panic and started slamming my knuckles onto the troll's hand that was getting tighter by the minute. "Kalvin! Justin! HELP ME NOW!" I freaking screamed at the top of my lungs. I only heared small little squeaks from both of them, they couldn't hear me...I had to get out myself. I tried kicking but the troll's grip was too firm. Punching was useless, I ended up just hurting myself. "My poor knuckle...." I whined loudly, rubbing my blood-red fist. ~Use the glass~, said something in my head. The voice ringed in my head, I knew that it wasn't my own voice. The voice was more strong and manly(and I surely do not have a man voice!) ~Use the glass!~, it continued nagging. A thought came to my mind, the glass.

"The glass!" I screamed in triumph, and I brought out the blinking glass that I picked up earlier. It's sharp edge just wanting to cut something. I grinned for no apparent reason. I raised the glass and stuck it into the flesh of the troll's hand. The troll grunted in pain, letting out a huge exhale of disgusting air. "Oh gosh, talk about air pollution," I said covering my nose. The troll let go of my body, "YES!" I shouted. Then I had another problem...I was falling 56 feet from the sky!!! I tightened my grip on my sweaty palms and let out the most huge "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I've had in years. I fell in a huge boom.

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