Chapter 7.....Meeting My Spirit

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I tip-toed out of my mom's room as I set her in bed quietly. She's still passed out from eating those depressant pills. I now know that depressant pills are considered a drug when you arn't even depressed...

I stumbled into my room while stripping my boots off my legs. It was almost impossible. "Damn it! Just get the fuck off," I muttered, sitting down and trying to pull off my left boot. I grabbed the end of my boot and the top and pulled it straight off. Good news: I managed to take it off, bad news: It hit me right in the face. I pulled it off and I pulled it off too hard that it slammed on my forehead, my forehead! I gagged and rolled over my bed, moaning at my bruise which I thought was bleeding.

"Owww," I yelled, rubbing my forehead. ~Idiot~ said a voice in my head. I forgot, I was suppose to "bond" with my spirit. "Uh...Your watching me? Oh, spirit of my head!" I asked to myself, stupidly. Nothing. "Hi, I'm Kimberly...Your owner of the body! I'd just like to ask you a few questions, ah-hem...First question, are you a girl or a boy? If you are a girl goodie! If your a boy, you better not freaking watch me while I dress!" I asked, stubbornly. Nothing again.

"Sheesh, am I going crazy?" I whined and rubbed my face with my hands and walked to the bathroom. I slammed the door loudly and almost jumped. I walked to the sink and washed my face. I looked at myself once and then grabbed my hairbrush from my drawer and started brushing the tangles in my hair because after I tried to calm my mom about "Lolli-Mc-Pop's" death. "Okay, I'm gonna ask again, are you a boy or girl," I muttered bitterly after throwing my brush into the drawer and stomping to my room again.

Nothing. Not even a grunt, not even a spat, not even one single breath expect my own. Sheesh, I think I'm just gonna give up...Boy or girl? What does it matter, I thought. ~I'm a male if your wondering that~ I jumped. "Woah! DID YOU JUST ANSWER MY QUESTION?" I asked, shocked and a little scared. Nothing. "Damnit! You answered 14 seconds ago! Why can't you answer now," I whined throwing myself onto my bed, frustrated. I stared at the wall for a moment, thinking about the stupid spirit inside of me. 

~Your more stupid than me, feeding your mom anti-depressant pills~ My jaw dropped open, and I covered it with my hands, one after the other. "D-d-do you only answer if I think?" I whispered, in a hush voice. I felt a bolt of rage inside of me, I clutched my temples in pain at the rage. I felt something stomp inside me, sending vibrations around my skull. ~Haven't done this in 12 centuries!~ growled the voice inside me. I was panting, for no reason. Does this creature...have power over me?

~Thats a bitchy-ity-bitch yes if you want to know, I have power over you about...25%? Yeah, one fourth of you is controlled by me~ growled the creature inside of me. I gulped and closed my eyes, feeling nausea from the creature's foot steps, still walking about somewhere in my body. What exactly are you?, I asked, still closing my eyes. My stomach flipped and it made me fall to the floor. ~Your eager to know, arn't you? Stupid girl~ asked the creature. I nodded, wondering if he can read my movements.

~I'm a dragon. Rarest one of all, you know~ replied the creature. A dragon? Seriously...I thought you would be more of some squirrel or something..., I thought. ~A squirrel? I eat squirrels for breakfast idiot~ growled the creature. "Don't call me an idiot!" I yelled, sitting up by pushing my elbows up.

"I didn't call you an idiot, Honey," said someone. I turned my head to see my mother, fully awake in her bunny night gown. "Uh, hi mom..." I greeted, feeling my cheeks go red. "What's up?" She looked at me worriedly."Hon, is something up...Why were you talking to yourself, why are you only wearing one boot, and why are you sprawled up on the floor?" she asked. I was breathing heavily now, not daring to answer. "And why are you sweating when I  have the AC on," she asked and hurried off to me to check my temperature.

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