Chapter 4.....The Court

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I sat in my bedroom, been doing this for a straight 3 hours...I stared at the clock, 6:23. In about an hour I'm going to court. Don't ask me why...I just am. My mom wont explain to me about what is happening. After the fight with the troll, everything just went down for me. I kept my secret long enough, but now I'm on the verge of knowing that I may not be the only one with this kind should I say, curse.

Why would they say I murdered Debbie? Why is the hall way okay when the troll smashed it into ruins? And why did I see Kalvin turn into a polar bear? I groaned and lied down on my bed, my hands over my face. This is just all too weird...Everything happened that quickly...

 "Honey, you need to get ready," said a voice. The voice happened to be my dearly, good, mother! I pushed my elbows on my bed for support and faced her, glaring. "Explain to me first and I'll make your wish come true," I spat. She frowned and walked up to me, "Honey...I-I can't help you...I know its hard for you, I never really understood the thing inside you. When it was in me, no one ever suspected...but now it's in you and everything is going out of control. I don't have the answers. But right now, just follow what's going on right now."

I sat up fully this time and looked down. "It spoke to me today," I muttered. She widened her eyes and asked, "What?" I pushed my black hair back with my hand. "It spoke to me, it was firm but nice." She thought for a moment and looked at me worriedly. "Why are you suddenly worried? It must have happened to you to," I asked. She stood up and made her way to the door and reached for the door knob, she looked back at me, "The thing never spoke to me."

I widened my eyes, shocked. A rush of wind past in the room..Which made no sense because my room's window was shut. "Go get ready," she breathed and left my room. What does she mean it never spoke to her? Then why does it speak to me. I clutched my stomach for a second and got up to change.


I walked nervously up the stairs, leading to the district court. The building was very tall and had a roman style to it. The banner ontop said: SM District Court. It looked anonymously scary in the dark. I gulped and stepped a little closer to my mom who didn't speak a word the whole way there.

The hall of the building was very nice and fancy, I would have taken the time to admire the beautiful paintings on the wall, but my mom gave me a look and I just stayed by her side. The floor was marble and had a settlement of marble looking pattern to it. The walls were white and had pillars that read 3 simple words that kept repeating as you walked, "Education Is Important."

We stopped at the wooden door that we suspected was the court. My mom squeezed my hand and breathed. I was shaking roughly, but she was shaking more than me actually. "Brace yourself, don't look at anyone in the eye," she whispered in my ear softly. Before I could reply the doors swung open, revealing a huge room filled with people I don't even know. 

"Please step forward, Kimberly Nole," said a lady on a high stool near a podeium. She had dirty blonde air and dark blue eyes. I would have said she was pretty if it wans't for that scowl on her face, that seemed to only be on me. I gulped.

I expected for me to walk up but I stayed put on my spot. "I said Please Step Forward," repeated the lady. My mom gave me a slight push which helped alot, I started walking down the hall. I tried to avoid the gaze of many people watching me as I walked. I reached the end and stood awkwardly.

"I'm Judge Hale, your Judge for this case. And that is your lawyer, Mr. Jore, he will be helping you on your side of the case," announce the lady, who was named Judge Hale. I nodded and walked over to the man that was Mr. Jore. Mr. Jore had green eyes and curly hair that was cut into a buzz cut. He was holding a stack of papers, which I thought was the case.

"H-hi," I greeted, stuttering. He smiled and shook my hand, "I'm Mr. Jore, your lawyer for the evening. I was hired by your mother at the last minute. Don't worry, I'll clear this up." That was a little too much information then I expected but I just managed to say, "Okay." I sat at the wooden chair beside him. The room bursted into muttering.

There was a sort of "Knock Knock"somewhere very loud when I noticed it was from Judge Hale. "Order in the court," shouted Judge Hale. The room fell into a silent hush, I was suprised because you can literally hear the sound waves of the silence. "Now, Kimberly Nole, age 12, accused of murdering Debbie Loski-" There was a burst of crying out at the backround. "Please, keep your tears to your self Mrs. Loski! Thank you! Now, you were holding a knife at the crime scene and was threatning to kill Debbie-" another burst of crying came out from the same lady. "Please! Be quiet or you will be shoved out of here!" groaned Judge Hale. The lady stopped crying immiediately.

"Okay, thank you! Once again, you threatend Debbie because she accidently pushed you into a pole which caused you to have a big bruise. And you took a knife and..." Judge Hale paused and squinted down at the paper she was reading. I looked around and noticed everyone was looking at the same paper. "Threatend to...poop...on her lawn?" Judge Hale frowned. "This does not seem to be a serious case after all." 

"-Actually it is, Madame Hale!" said a voice. I turned my head to see a tall,dangly man that was completely bald and had a blonde long beard. "She killed, a person. Is that not serious," asked the man who looked around. The room nodded that it was serious. "The whole court room agrees. My client insists on her to be expelled," he shouted. "And who is your client," I asked, crossing my arms. The tall dangly man looked down at me in pity, "My client? Is what you asked?" "You heard me," I replied, sounding a little bitchy. 

The man scowled and pointed at a man who was sitting down on a chair, the man was none other than, Principal Forge. He grinned at me and waved. I sat up and was about to open my mouth when Mr. Jore asked, "That is non sense! Why would a 12 year old murder another 12 year old because of slamming into a pole? Then threatning to 'poop' on her lawn." The court room started mumbling something. "I agree, what is your answer for that," asked Judge Hale. 

"Well, my answer is that everything is possible! I mean, man doubt that we couldn't go on the moon! But look at that! We can-" "But she's not going to the moon. Shes a 12 year old, in school!" interrupted Mr. Jore. I was starting to like this man, he's pretty good. The whole room started to agree by clapping. "Okay, I think we solved this. All in favor that Kimberly should not be expelled!" asked Judge Hale. "All in favor," the whole room said raising their hands. "Case closed!" and Judge Hale slammed her judge hammer onto the podeium.


"Thank you Mr. Jore, for clearing that up," I said smiling after the case. Mr. Jore smiled back, "You should thank your mother. She gave me this paper that told me what to say." I smiled, "thank you for helping me...and saying what my mom told you to say infront of the court." My mom walked up to us and handed Mr. Jore a check. He smiled and walked away, happily. We started walking towards my mom's van.

"Can you believe what kind of sick twisted jerk that man was? Blaming a 12 year old for such a crime!" gossiped a few elders from the court room. I looked at the floor, not meeting my mom's gaze as she sighed, "Honey, I can't cover up for you any longer." I looked at her and rolled my eyes, "You don't need to."

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