Chapter Six

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Luke’s POV

Mum didn’t say a word as we drove to the hospital, I don’t know what the point was, Jai wasn’t even at the hospital yet, they were still trying to get him out of the car. We walked into the hospital and were told to sit down, all of the doctors were preparing for the victims of the car crash to come in so there were no other patients around. We waited for what seemed like years, finally a nurse came down the corridor that we, and all of the other family of other victims were sat.

“Everybody is out of their cars and in or on the way to the hospital; there have been no deaths so far.” She said calmly and left.

“I thought it was just Jai the lorry ran into?” I asked Mum quietly

“It hit another car and others drove into the lorry and the backs of the other cars.” Mum explained.

Gradually family members were called to see their loved ones until it was just Mum and I.

Finally a doctor came to see us, he took us into his office, we sat down and he explained what had happened to Jai.

“I’m very sorry to say” The doctor said sincerely, tears rolled down Mum and I’s cheeks, there was no way I was going to lose my twin brother.

“Jaiden has suffered very serious injuries to his head. His skull was fractured in several places, we don’t know the extent of it but he will more than likely have some sort of brain damage, it could be anything from minor memory loss to completely forgetting everything and not being able to do anything or he could be totally brainstem dead, if that happened we’d have to switch the machine off as there would be no hope. He also has a lot of broken bones so don’t be too shocked when you go in there and go easy on the contact as we haven’t set them. He has just come out of major surgery piecing back his skull and putting his bones in the right position, all we can do now it wait.” The doctor explained. Mum was completely sobbing but I was just sat there completely stunned, Jai was going to be a vegetable.

The doctor took us through to Jai’s room, my heart nearly snapped when I saw him. He was lying completely limp on the hospital bed, he was so swollen and red and bruised and cut, I could hardly make out his face. Patches of his hair had been shaved, probably where his skull was broken; even though his head was partly bandaged you could see the staples in his head and the matted blood in his hair. He had wires in nearly every part of his body. He had a big uncomfortable looking neck brace on and a tube down his throat that was attached to his throat breathing for him.

Mum fell onto the seat next to his bed and started heavily sobbing; kissing his hand over and over again like it would bring him back to life.

We just sat in silence by Jai’s bed all night, I wanted to hold his hand but I was too scared I might hurt him; I know he was still in a coma but he might still be able to feel or hear.

That was the worst night of my life.


*A Few Days Later*

Jai still hadn’t moved, they’d scanned his brain loads of times but always said it was too early to tell, we’ll try again soon. Beau had come to the hospital the day after the accident, he was absolutely devastated. Mum just stayed in her room and cried and then stayed with him all night when James, Daniel and I weren’t here. Beau didn’t come, I think he was in denial; he kept acting like nothing was wrong. James and I were currently with Jai, none of us speaking. It wasn’t awkward, it was a peaceful silence. The fans knew and there were hundreds of cards for him, he was getting loads of messages on twitter, and we read a few of them out to him. It started to get dark and we both started to get tired, the door opened and Mum came in. James and I picked up our stuff and left, Mum came at night so she could be alone with him so we left her too it. We closed the door behind us and I took a quick look in the window, Mum was brushing his hair off his forehead and then kissed his cheek. A part of me felt a little jealous, Mum had had no time for me and Beau lately. I saw her in the evening when she left for the hospital, but when I woke up she’d already come back and was in her room.

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